SPOILER !! Week Aug 19

Side note: I absolutely adore Colin Jost (the guy in the picture robin posted). He's hilarious. For those not familiar, he does the Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live with Michael Che, and is married to actress Scarlett Johansson.
Bit off topic - but I met Colin Jost in NYC and he is even nicer and cuter in person!
Zero begs for Gabi’s forgiveness: Stefano would be disgusted by his craven son. DiMeras don’t beg.

Will Abigail remember her past with EJ?: Why would she? Abigail has probably been trying to forget that scene in the athletic club shower and the Horton cabin tryst for years.

Connie has a confrontation with Melinda: Unless the rioters rewrite history, Melinda should eat the weirdo alive.
On a positive note, when I think about the plots 6 months ago, I am so much happier with the show now. I loathe Connie, but I hated Konstantin far more. At least Connie has moments with Dead Li which I quite enjoy, Konstantin was just awful every time he was on screen. And I will even take the revolting Body and Soul story over the dark days of February when Alex, Theresa, Harris, Ava and dull as dishwater Wendy and Tripp were all on screen 3-4 times a week, and I was lucky to see Xander and Sarah once every two weeks.

At least now the show has some balance amongst the characters. And I am really into the Fiona/Brady/Xander/Sarah mess as well as this Chad/Jack/Abigail plot. I have missed EJ but I see he is back with us next week. I don't even hate Alex now he is not being shoved down my throat. Less is more.
Spoilers from https://soapoperanews.net/2024/08/16/days-of-our-lives-spoilers-august-19-23-2024/

Monday, August 19, 2024
With Jack, Jennifer anxiously waits to see her daughter.
Gabi excoriates Ava and Stefan.
Melinda confronts Connie.
Abigail struggles to cope with the truth about her identity

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Leo and Hattie continue to miscommunicate.
Justin presents Alex with papers annulling his marriage to Theresa.
Johnny and Chanel discuss their future.
Abe and Johnny search for a star-crossed couple.

Wednesday August 21, 2024
Brady worries he may have committed a crime.
Johnny and Abe ask Chanel and Alex to audition for Body & Soul.
Jada closes in on a suspect in the hit and run.
Sarah has Xander and Maggie by her side as she tries to stay positive.

Thursday, August 22, 2024
Stefan makes an impassioned plea to Gabi.
EJ introduces himself to Abigail.
Chad talks to Julie about his latest complications.
Connie wants to eliminate Melinda.

Friday, August 23, 2024
Sophia makes a play for Tate.
Xander confronts Jada about Sarah’s case.
Chad’s pumped when Abigail remembers something.
Brady and Fiona has reason to commiserate.
Justin presents Alex with papers annulling his marriage to Theresa.
So, I missed the wedding day, but after Fiona revealed everything and Alex figured it out, why did he sign the marriage certificate and then file it?

Or did they do that between the marriage and the reveal or in advance of the ceremony?

It sounds like this scene could just as easily have been Justin explaining to his son, "Hey nitwit, you never signed the marriage certificate and you're broke, so there's no need for an annulment."
Justin represents Alex: This case is so simple that even Justin can ace it.

EJ meets Abigail: Why? Knowing that EJ was part of her past is an incentive to remain an amnesiac. Who would want to remember him?

Brady fears he may have committed a crime: The only crimes Brady commits are those against good taste and common sense.
In the olden days of the 2000s, before the film lag, it might have been interesting because they could react in real-time and we'd see results 4-6 weeks later. So they could play it slow, and if this recast is popular, make her an Amnesiac Abby. IF the recast was a stinker, then she's an Impersonator Abby. In & out in a cycle (13 weeks).

But whatever they've decided to do is done, and if we hate it and they try to change it, it will undo/make illogical/insulting months of story. (Or worse, we'll be so bored with their indecision in six months that we'll be longing for the days of Konstantin's accent barking over the pawn card while Tate and Holly make goo-goo eyes at one another while their parents scowl.)
I will never long for the days of Konstantin's accent barking.

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What if...........this all is Connie's revenge plan, making everyone pay for his death? Easy to blame Clyde......heck, if it was him, his people could easily just forget it all, they got their money, don't have to take chances, stay safe, No Clyde to seek retribution.

But Connie vowed revenge and we have not heard any thoughts or seen anything from her.

Just a thought.!