Social Media August 2024

When Drake Hogestyn (John) first came to Salem we were to believe he was Roman Brady, even though he was a good 4-5 inches taller, with a lanky build and straight hair.

When the DiMeras created Fake Rafe, he was such a perfect lookalike, that even his wife Sami didn't notice a difference between the sheets.

The magic DiMera masks are somehow so advanced they can change someone's voice and body type, even to the point that a lover can't tell the difference while having sex.

I have an old book, Deceptions by Judith Michael. It was made into a mini-series with Stefanie Powers. It's about twin sisters who switch places. One is an American housewife. The other is a Lady in England, who owns a ritzy antiques boutique. When the housewife is in England pretending to be the Lady, she cancels a hair appointment because she says while no one can tell the difference in their faces, a hair stylist would instantly know her hair had been cut by someone else.

Sooooo, a lover can't tell the difference in bed, but the girl at Super Cuts can?! :rotfl:
Sad to hear. I really enjoyed his work throughout the years. While he is mainly known for being on Another World, he did 6 episodes of Days; 5 in 1999 as Dr. Bryce (he was Victor's doctor and Vivian met with Dr. Bryce in disguise to get to Victor, who was hospitalized), and one in 2012 as Arthur, Stefano's attorney. Here's that summary:

Over at DiMansion, Will picks up the paper off the floor, is about to looks at that, when EJ comes rushing in, grabs them out of his hand, tells him not to be nosy, and since the computer is closed, he must be finished so is dismissed. Will leaves, but looks back to see EJ slam the paper down on the desk.

Later, Arthur, Stefano’s attorney arrives, guesses EJ wants to know about the estate. Well, it seems Stefano told Arthur about EJ not being his son when he made his new will, and Arthur wants to follow his instructions. EJ tries to pass it all off as one of Stefano’s lies, just a way to keep control over EJ, but Arthur saw the paperwork. And now EJ gets down to brass tacks. Since the will wasn’t signed, witnessed or notarized, it is not admissible, and his old one stands. Arthur is just a bit reluctant, but EJ does his bullying, and his own brand of “control”, reminding Arthur he also is mayor, besides running DiMera enterprises, wields a lot of power. Arthur understands, will file the old will, and not breathe a word of anything, promising to destroy what paperwork he has from Stefano, as his loyalty is now to EJ.

He also played Uncle Jesse's dad, Nick, on Full House.
Excuse me, did they do plastic surgery on "Abby's entire body? If not, why can't Chad or Dad recognize any other part of her being besides her face? Scars, birthmarks, oddities etc. What the heck? Oops, my bad, It's Days!
Brady slept with Kristen in a Nicole mask and didn't notice her body differences, so yeah, it's Days!
Excuse me, did they do plastic surgery on "Abby's entire body? If not, why can't Chad or Dad recognize any other part of her being besides her face? Scars, birthmarks, oddities etc. What the heck? Oops, my bad, It's Days!
Brady slept with Kristen in a Nicole mask and didn't notice her body differences, so yeah, it's Days!
Heck, tis amazing that supposedly hair is exactly same color (not mentioning length, since Abby has been gone a while), eyebrows exactly same color and shape, lips same shape, even the ears! Yes, I know,

And Brady, with Kristen, never even felt the skin was plastic or rubber or whatever that Nicole mask was made of. Ooops, guess I forgot what a GENIUS Rolf was.

Yep, it's Days, isn't it? I won't be surprised when the Wicked Witch of the East comes sailing in on her broomstick, with her flying monkeys to snatch up Rachel, and off they go.
So Eric Martsolf is “comping at the bit” for Brady’s downfall. If so, maybe he’d like these possible fire plots.

—John disowns Brady as his son.
— Gwennie T. Sues for full custody of Tater Tot. The Tot approves.
— Xander says that he can’t hire Brady for any Titan position.
— Maggie quits going to meetings with Brady, saying that it’s hopeless.
— Sonny tells Brady not to visit him and Will.
— Leo tells Brady that he can’t write about his story, saying it’s simply believable.
— Roman won’t give Brady a room at the Pub, saying he’d scare away the customers.
— The raccoons tell Brady to stay far away from Smith Island.
— Victor’s portrait frowns at Brady.
— The local liquor puts Brady on the do-not-sell-to drunks list.