Eve and Daniel

Mouseface, my husband said to me last night after watching the scene between Eve and JJ, where they come to an agreement regarding Paige......he said this to him is going to be classic soap. It's a love/hate sort of relationship and she was definitely flirting in my opinion, at least to some extent. He thinks that Eve will eventually seduce JJ because it will get to Jennifer in a big way, Eve would be able to hold this over JJs head and blackmail him, her sister Theresa will be livid if that ever happened. So, by Eve seducing JJ, she'd have a lot of ammo. Now I do not know if this will come to pass, but it made sense tome. It'll be a Mrs. Robinson sort of storyline, kinda like Nick and Billie, only she didn't sleep with Nick to be vindictive.
But would Eve do that to her daughter? We haven't seen a lot of the dynamic, but she does seem to care about her. And if they were going to go that route, then the actress who portrays Paige is going to have to learn how to rage, because that would be the proper response, instead of a pouty angry. We're talking soul-pouring out rage.
I hope and pray that they do NOT go down that road with J.J. and Eve. There is a HUGE difference between Nick/Billie and J.J./Eve, Nick was over 21, whereas J.J. is still a teenager who just graduated HIGH SCHOOL. Don't do it, just don't! :tsk:It would be beyond disgusting/revolting. :sick:Eve needs to stick with Daniel and J.J. can be seduced by Bev, which would be more age appropriate.
So are people in their 20s still kids, then? JJ is certainly too young for Eve. But by legal definition, is an adult. He can vote, serve in the military, smoke tobacco...children are not permitted to do these things. With the exceotion of a 17 year-old joining the military with their parents' permission.
I would like to see Daniel alone & not in a relationship for a little bit of time. He & Jennifer have me worn out beyond exhaustion so I'm sure it is worse for him. Let him be alone & regroup for a while.
Not only that, Daysd, but it would be similar to what we JUST saw with EJ/Abby, and I don't see JJ repeating his sister's mistake.

Actually, I think EJ/Abby are the lesser of 2 evils here. They slept together out of mutual admiration and feelings and both are mature adults. Eve sleeping with JJ would be vindictive only and JJ is still a teen. When the first scene with JJ and Eve aired, there was immediate talk on twitter about them sleeping together. I tend to agree it's inevitable. Although, maybe Jeannie Theresa will come to JJ's rescue somehow?

I still think Dan and Jen are the end game but I don't think it will be immediate until Jen realizes the error of her ways. I agree with Sirramix let him be single for a while. Let's have a rectangle with Hope/Jen/Kayla/Aiden in the interim.
Actually, Heather, I'm hoping that Daniel and Jennifer aren't end-game. I think, for once, Eve should get her man. She has consistently lost out to Jennifer (Frankie), April (Nick). Jennifer can be reunited with Frankie when/if Days ever decides bring him back.

As for J.J., I don't think that it is inevitable that J.J./Eve sleep together. I just don't want Eve to be a Kristen clone, which is why people on twitter are clamoring for Eve to seduce J.J.
I think that some people hate the character of Jennifer so much that they feel anything that would upset her is a good thing, and that's why they clamor for things like Eve seducing JJ and cheered for Liam's creepy antics. I personally think that some storyline ideas need to not happen, and Eve seducing JJ would be one of them.

It wouldn't fit JJ's character at all to be seduced by her. He's already demonstrated that he knows how to stand up to both Eve and Theresa and he is too invested in not repeating his past mistakes and especially in not hurting his mom. He also sees how everyone around him is blaming EJ for "seducing" Abby and how Sami's behavior is upsetting both Jen and Abby and is not likely to enter an affair with an older person that his mother and sister hate for that reason. Anything can happen, it seems, so the writers might not mind twisting yet another character all out of shape, but I truly hope they don't.