Eve and Daniel

I would love to see Eve and Dan together and her to become an upstanding Salemite. Then every time Jenn sees them together she can get that "I have really bad gas pains" look on her face.
This would seem like a good opportunity for some product placements. For example: Maggie sees Jen Jen in the Town Square looking green around the gills and asks her what's wrong. Ms. Sleeveless then tells the red-haired cookie-baker that seeing Daniel with that "awful" Eve gives her gas pains and heartburn. Maggie then whips out the pills connected to the product placement and assures Jenny she'll soon feel fit enough to eat an entire platter of Brady burgers. As for an Eve-Daniel connection, this would increase the number of devout Daniel worshipers. Imagine how Ms. Priss's ears would be burning if she entered the Pub and saw Maggie, Melanie, Eve, and Paige sitting in a booth and overheard them enthusing about how wonderful the Love Doctor is.
I'm not sure how I feel about Danny Boy & Eve just yet.. Is there anyone in Salem that Daniel hasn't slept with? Geeeezzzzzzz... While I cannot stand him and Jennifer together, I really don't think he should be jumping into bed with anyone just yet.. He literally just took a break with Jenn and he claimed to love her and all that mushy crap... I feel like its too soon for him to be with anyone, let alone Eve Donovan

edited to write out word....JS
It's plain to see that this whole "taking a break" with Jennifer is so Eve can come between them. As for Paige's college tuition, I find it ridiculous that Eve is worrying about that, and her surgery, when Shane is a millionaire. I don't think Eve is too proud to take money from him, and I don't think Shane would deny either of them.
KathyLu, I'm a little surprised that Shane didn't set a college fund for his FIRST grandchild. I also think that he would be more than happy to help Eve with her surgery, as well. Another glaring omission is what about Paige's dear old dad. Why isn't he helping his daughter, unless of course he's a creep who made off with all Eve's savings. Eve getting involved with someone like that is typical Eve. She sure knew how to pick 'em. :rotfl:
Surprisingly, he's never done the horizontal mambo with Sami.
What a thought. Imagine if Sami was admitted to University Hospital after fainting in the Town Square, exhausted by all the effort of hating EJ and plotting revenge. The Love Doctor then might see Sami in a hospital gown and start drooling, forcing Maxine to give him a good shake and a slap across the face to bring him back to his senses, all while prissy Jen Jen (who miraculously has shown up for work) looks on in horror.
JS, it's also possible that Paige's father could have taken any money that Eve may have saved.

Just to clarify, when I say "money Eve saved", I'm referring to $$$$ in a checking account that she used to pay for everyday needs such as utility bills, taxes, groceries, etc.
Whatever happened to working your way through college? Yeah, I know it's expensive but good grief, I went to a really good state university and paid my own way by working part time during school, full time over summer, and was able to get my degree without relying on handouts from anyone. The only help I received was the year I spent a semester in Italy which my parents helped pay for and then I was able to qualify for loans/grants my last year since I no longer had to include my parents' income on the paperwork.

I get that Eve wants the best for her child and Stanford is great but if Paige doesn't have a full ride then perhaps she just needs to go to Salem University since they obviously can't afford to send her to the expensive out of state college. DUH.

ANYWAY, crap, this thread is about Eve and Dan. I'm in agreement with whoever said they go back and forth between liking and hating Eve. I feel the same way. I do sorta like the chemistry between the two but I feel like this is just another hiccup in the never ending Daniel/Jennifer saga. I do like Daniel with Nicole too. And I agree with the comment about liking both Daniel and Jennifer better AWAY from each other. So true.
Can you imagine the show if they did put the two screen-time hogs of Daniel and Sami together? We would have 5 days straight with them on, with only occasional breaks showing the other characters.

Maybe it is the actress, but I do find myself liking the character of Eve, and I am all for anything that interferes with Daniel and Jennifer together. I remember never liking Eve as a teenager, but I was also a big fan of Shane and Kimberly and I never liked the way she would interfere between them. I do agree with the argument that she should ask Shane to help out with sending Paige to Stanford, but do we know if Shane still has his money? Theresa always acted like she grew up poor. I can understand not giving Theresa money if she used it on drugs and alcohol, but why wouldn't Shane help Paige go to Stanford unless he could not afford it.
Eve DOES appear to be wanting to make sure her daughter has a good education, so it does seem odd that she has not been squirreling away bits of money thru the years, earmarked just for that. Sending Paige to live with Cousin Joan meant saving a lot on lodging and food for Paige, while Eve was "on the road", so it does seem odd that at the very end, just prior to graduation for Paige, Eve decides to try and get what she can from the book Jack wrote. She has had to know about it for months and months already.

Yes, but the writers didn't. :wink:

Whatever happened to working your way through college?
Sparx, TV writers NEVER get college (especially the financials) right. I have never once heard anyone on Days mention a student loan, paying a loan, etc. The ol' money tree, you know. And working one's way through college is nearly impossible these days. I graduated less than 10 years ago and tuition at the college I attended has already doubled since I graduated. (And had already doubled from the time I graduated high school.)

I agree, they should at least mention that Eve doesn't want to take money from Shane/Shane can't afford it/Shane wants them to be on their own/Mr Larson made off or lost a college fund/something!!!!

A "cheap villainess" is who Eve is.
Maybe, but that's extremely cheap soap writing. "Good" Jen versus "Bad" Eve, snore. Two women with different views and a complicated history...nobody out to "get" the other one...now that could be interesting.
Somebody (I don't remember who, sorry) mentioned a few weeks back that Stanford routinely gives scholarships to students in Paige's position. Of course DAYS ignores such things when convenient. What might make sense is that Paige can't apply for financial aid without Eve's help because students under the age of 24 are considered dependent and must provide their parents' financial information; since Eve is set on paying for Stanford with proceeds from Jack's book, she might not be willing to provide that information. But even that is too reality-based for Salem, I'm afraid.