Who is Paul?

Maybe Tori adopted Paul from her sister, Jasmine, the island girl who nursed Tony DiMera back to health after the Plane crash landed. The plane crash occurred in 1984 and Jasmine went to Salem and then left, but she could have stayed in touch with Tony, the father of Paul! It's just my guess that Tony is Paul's father. Imagine the look on Anna's face! lol
That's for sure.It's a shame that some writers ignore some things, and grab onto ridiculous ones. I do realize that there are writers who just don't like a character for some reason, don't like their backstory, connection to other characters, etc. so either make sure the character is killed, is dead, and no way to bring them back. (But there is always a way, lol) but.....heck, Bart was a huge fan favorite, and not only did the show kill him in front of our eyes, he was cut open completely to retrieve a key, thus insuring he would never be back. The worst thing was when Tony fought Andre' in a quagmire, was victorious, we saw Andre's hand up and then gone. Andre' was dead, and yet, some time later, we find that Tony really wasn't Tony, but was Andre' all the years, while Tony was on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific. Well, partially deserted. LOL
What really hurts a show is changing the personality of a character.