Who is Paul?

I would love it if Peter was the daddy.....however.......That would not make Paul a DiMera. Kristen and Peter are Blakes.......no DiMera blood, although he was their guardian after both their parents had died. In fact they both always used the name Blake, until Kristen returned the last time, and so she is called Kristen DiMera now.

Completely agree with you but similar to Jennifer's reversed divorce, these writers tend to "forget minor details" such as adoption.
I don't believe the timeline would make it possible for John to be Paul's father especially if we are talking around the mid 90s. John was pretty much a priest for the most part and we had the Aremid storyline, Marlena being possessed and then John resuming his relationship with Kristen and then Susan came, etc.
It truly would help if the man who fathered Paul was dead, really dead. Paul is a good character, being played by a very charasmatic actor, doing a good job. Would rather he not be connected by blood to any Salemite. There is too much of that already.
Will is a tool.......nuff said. It would be a twist if he was Peter Blake's kid given how he has not been on in quite a few years but don't truly believe Paul is his child. He'll turn out to be John's son then when that doesn't work anymore, it'll be revealed he is Stefano's son only to be discovered he Is really the son of ROLF!!! :rotfl:
It truly would help if the man who fathered Paul was dead, really dead. Paul is a good character, being played by a very charasmatic actor, doing a good job. Would rather he not be connected by blood to any Salemite. There is too much of that already.

I agree completely Poirot. Tori could have been at the lake in Salem for any number of reasons. Tori does seem to duck away from John but that could also be for any number of reasons. Marlena sure didn't know her.
Even if he had, Marlena still would not have known what she looked like.
The more I think about it, there was a reason for the maison Blanche flashback, and it could be that Tori was there at that time. She may have helped John in some way, brought his meals, or ??? Or she had to help with his torture?? guess we will find out eventually. Won't be sooner, is my guess. More likely later......lol.
tori was definitely happy to see John & Marlena together, smiling and having a good time.
Maybe the writers are leading us to believe that John is the daddy (since many viewers are suspicious), but the father really is Stefano, or some other DiMera, after all.