Who is Paul?

What I don't understand is... Just because Will has some photo of Tori and the Dimera boathouse or whatever is in the background.... how does that mean that Stefano is somehow related to Paul or that Paul is a Dimera somehow?

For all he knows she could have been there on vacation and his real father really did pass away?
But this is Days and nothing is ever that simple.

Today, Roman told Will that back in the day, Stefano owned all of the property around the lake and he allowed no one on it.

Will then asked who lived at the DiMansion back then and Roman said Stefano, Kristen..... and Peter. Interesting that Peter Blake was mentioned. He hasn't been mentioned in years (except for a very brief line when Jennifer and Kristen were talking one day).

Roman forgot about Tony living there at the time, too. Well, scratch that, it would've been Andre.
My thoughts exactly on all points JS.

My guess is that John is that baseball guy's dad, hence Tori's histrionics to avoid being seen by him. I would love it if that were not the case, and it turns out, daddy really is dead. (After all, John's actual son that he raised was in the hospital and nobody thought to call him today.) Maybe she helped torture John. Maybe she stole someone's eggs. Who knows? I'd like something a little more original than what I expect we'll see.

On another note, the John/Paul/kids scenes were a lot of fun today. Too bad there aren't any Salem kiddos in that age group. When Paul is doing baseball stuff I find him less irritating.
My thoughts..... Could John have been a "pawn" at the time that Paul was conceived, and has no memory of Tori etc.

Maybe she was on the Dimera property as part of Stefano's schemes. He was all about controlling John, maybe impregnating someone was part of the warped Dimera plots.
I would love it if Peter was the daddy.....however.......That would not make Paul a DiMera. Kristen and Peter are Blakes.......no DiMera blood, although he was their guardian after both their parents had died. In fact they both always used the name Blake, until Kristen returned the last time, and so she is called Kristen DiMera now.
I'm beginning to think Tori's secret is not about Paul's father........maybe something else she is ashamed of, but John or Stefano being Paul's father is almost too obvious. Hopefully she will make a fool of Will and Sonny will see him for what he is.
Wait, Stefano owned all the land around the lake and no one was allowed there??? Wasn't there a fancy club on the lake that Doug and Julie owned?? And Liz sang at? Was this before or after Stefano owned all the land around the lake?

Or am I misremembering? Or possibly in the old days Salem was bigger and had a lake on the east side of town and a lake on the west side of town.