SPOILER !! Week Sept 9

Xander will be stopped. Probably Fiona will crack if she sees him about to kneecap Brady. If not her, then Marlena’s hypnosis will stop him. I'm glad he still has his dangerous side. Victor would have murdered anybody who hurt Maggie. This just proves Xander is Victor's son. Brady is an idiot to confess to something he doesn't even know he did
Holly confronts Eric: OMG, another reason for Eric to look hurt and unhappy. It just never ends for the Bad Twin.

Tate talks to John about how he screwed things up ith Holly: Anther Salem guy on a pointless guilt trip. The problem is not with the Tot, it’s with Holly who’s turning into a regular head case.

Jada thinks something is wrong with Connie. Salem’s Sherlock Holmes has finally figured this out. Strike up the band. Connie is so deranged that even Chad’s kids could spot her from a mile away.
As my mom used to say, Dawn breaks on marble head!
Does that make Xander Batman??! :rotfl:


You can just imagine him saying "I'm Batman" with Xander's voice:
