SPOILER !! Week Sept 9

Sarah lives to see Victoria's birthday.

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Good news — Sarah is alive and well. Bad news — the homicidal witch, Fiona, is still prowling the halls of the K-Mansion. When is Jada going to wise up and start tracing boozy Brady’s movements on the night in question?? After all, people should remember him, a large handsome muscular guy who was falling-down drunk. (Question: how much does a man Brady’s size have to drink to be so drunk that he remembers nothing?)
With Xander knowing folks at the paper, Everett being dead, Chad being obsessed with Fake Abby, you'd think he'd have them run stories asking for people who saw anything about the accident. Or Jada could ask the paper to run a story asking for help. But gosh, that would bring back the cube farm.
The annoying part about this Holly and Eric stuff is we have to pretend we haven't been watching this show for a long time. I think when they age a kid normally it doesn't really have a bunch of gaslighting the viewer to go along with it. We have to pretend that Holly spent some long time growing up with Eric and that means Eric and Nicole spent some long time actually together.

And all of this to end up writing a story where Nicole sends Eric off to tell Holly the truth. Can't decide if this is just payback to ruin the character of Nicole.
You have a good point, oldschool..........Nicole definitely became "persona non grata" when she blew the whistle on behind the scenes shenanigans.

(the Latin phrase means "person not welcome") took 3 years of Latin in H.S. I remember some, but sure not all......lol
Jason, a Rafe who can’t hear, see, or speak is stil better than most of the other people in Salem. The biggest downer about his current incapacitation is that he can’t add to idiot DA EJ’s current discomfiture by shooting some zingers his way. He’d have thin-skinned Elvis chewing on the deep pile DiMansion carpeting.