SPOILER !! Week Sept 16

We don't know they don't know about her. Maybe they think she lives in a different city/state and are unaware she's in Salem at the moment.
Maybe but Aaron the other day was teasing Mark about being perfect. Mark said you would be surprised. Then Aaron said well if you did something bad how come me & Felicity don't know about it.
Could just be that they're the younger siblings Mark is raising, and Fake Abby appears to be Mark's age or older. So maybe he figured Fake Abby (whatever her real name is) would know if Mark had done something wrong or bad in his life. I don't know. The writers appear to be making up the storyline as they go, especially since Aaron mentioned on the Fourth of July that he couldn't join Brady, Rachel and Tate in the square for fireworks because his mom was at home making BBQ.
The ease with which batty Connie moves around the DiMansion and her effrontery in targeting members of la famiglia shows how far things have slipped in DiMera world. If Stefano’s hired muscle, Sergio and Ricardo, were still around, by now Connie would be either floating in Salem Harbor or buried in a shallow grave in the forest preserve. Connie’s reign of terror should also be a warning for Xander. Unless he maintains mansion security and promotes a healthy fear of the family among Salem lowlifes, the Kiriakises might not be safe either.