SPOILER !! week of April 4th

Not sure if these are more spoilers or updated ones from http://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-our-lives/spoilers

Monday April 4:

Summer fears Maggie may be paralyzed.

Tuesday April 5:

Kayla suggests to Steve that they go on the run to avoid his trial.

Wednesday April 6:

Deimos is fascinated to learn more about Nicole’s past.

Thursday April 7:

Kayla confides in Roman about Steve.
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Monday April 4:

Summer fears Maggie may be paralyzed. [Relax mermaid, these kind of health crises are common in Salem and mean only that the writers were short of new ideas for a storyline.]

Tuesday April 5:

Kayla suggests to Steve that they go on the run to avoid his trial. [Bad idea, Kayla. If you'd seen any episodes of I Almost Got Away with It or Harrison Ford in The Fugitive, you'd know that life on the run is no picnic. However, if you're set on this foolish course, be sure to make sure that your car's tail lights are working and you obey all traffic rules. Traffic stops have been the undoing of many a fugitive.]

Wednesday April 6:

Deimos is fascinated to learn more about Nicole’s past. [Deimos, go back to your war against Victor. Nicole doesn't need the attentions of the likes of you.]

Thursday April 7:

Kayla confides in Roman about Steve. [This is a safe move, Kayla. Even if you told the kissless wonder that Steve was responsible for every bank and armored car robbery in the Salem area for the past three years, he wouldn't do anything.]
Is Deimos fascinated by Nicole's past or FASCINATED by Misty Circle? (Nicole's porn star name). Might make dump Kate in a heartbeat.

It is funny the other day Nicole did mention about her father Paul Mendez to Dario when he was telling her about Eduardo being a assassin. Now this makes me wonder if in fact Deimos knows people associated with Paul Mendez before his death.
Kt, what do you mean by , "drugs her like she was before?"

I wonder why there has been no more mention of Deimos putting bad pills in Maggie's bottle of medicine? Or is it in another post that I've missed? I don't get around to all of them these days.
I'll take my speculation back about Nicole's porn star past.

I take it Deimos finds out Nicole used to be married to Victor. Makes sense now.

Try to gain Nicole as a ally perhaps against Victor? Or maybe there's something not so finished about Nicole and Victor's marriage? Just seems like Deimos may dig into something there.
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Monday April 4:
Deimos gazes at a photo of a woman from his past (who looks just like Nicole). If she looked like Elena, no wonder Victor hates her so

Tuesday April 5:
Chase breaks into Jennifer’s house, continuing his downward spiral. Oy

Wednesday April 6:
Maggie shares an emotional moment with Summer before her surgery. meh, we'll see

Thursday April 7:
Abigail finally comes face to face with Ben.
Ciara and Theo kiss. Again? Maybe she won't be drunk this time, not sure I like this

Friday April 8:
Lucas takes care of a drugged-up Jennifer when he stumbles upon her being out of sorts. Sounds fun
Spoilers from http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9278281/1/

Monday, April 4, 2016
Caroline has a new vision of Victor.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
In an unexpected turn of events, charges are dropped against Steve.
Philip has a heated confrontation with Deimos about Victor.

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Steve broods over losing the love of his life.

Friday, April 8, 2016
Nicole makes a shocking discovery about Deimos’ past.
Maggie and Summer open up to each other about their pasts.
How very weird........Kayla wants to go on the run WITH Steve, and then, Steve has "lost" her?

Haven't Maggie & Summer already told each other of their pasts?

Wonder what the reason is for the charges against Steve being dropped? Ahhh, maybe Ava died of an illness, or heart attack, or something else, huh? We will see.......

Monday, April 4, 2016
Nicole and Caroline rush to Victor’s bedside.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Kayla meets Jade for the first time, and learns Joey told her everything about Ava.
Ciara confronts Chase before he’s taken away.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Kayla calls off the engagement

Friday, April 8, 2016
Abigail prepares for her revenge on Ben Weston.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Caroline has a new vision of Victor. [Caroline, why can't you have a vision about something more profitable, such as the next winning number in Power Ball.]

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Kayla meets Jade for the first time, and learns Joey told her everything about Ava. [Yes, Kayla, your son talks too much.]

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

In an unexpected turn of events, charges are dropped against Steve. [Of course they were dropped, Steve. If Hope got away with murder, why not Ava's real killer, Little Joey?]
Philip has a heated confrontation with Deimos about Victor. [Stop with the confrontations, Philly. You're turning into Jenny.]

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Steve broods over losing the love of his life. [Don't worry, Steve. Kayla will be back eventually. Just convince her that you've "changed." This usually works for dysfunctional Salem men.]

Friday, April 8, 2016
Nicole makes a shocking discovery about Deimos’ past. [Nicole, nothing is "shocking" about Deimos. Even the worst things imaginable are to be expected about him.]
Maggie and Summer open up to each other about their pasts. [Are you still around, Summer?? Just go away. P.S., nobody cares about your past.]
Abigail prepares for her revenge on Ben Weston. [Forget the "revenge," Abigail. Stefano's whole life was evidence of the futility of seeking "revenge."]
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever asked Jen where she is getting the pills. I know it is a soap, but doctors, don't write endless supplies of prescriptions for narcotics. Seems she has a never ending bottle! I'm about 5 days behind but I have never seen Eric question where she gets them. Didn't she originally see Fynn for the pain?

They need to stop showing the rape scene. I'm so over it. Since the fire in Hope's house they have been staying at Jen's is her house getting fixed and why can't they go back?

Summer - can't stand her, she can leave sooner than later. I am fast forwarding through so much of the show now. It is such a shame the writing is so bad.

There are too many holes in the stories.
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever asked Jen where she is getting the pills. I know it is a soap, but doctors, don't write endless supplies of prescriptions for narcotics. Seems she has a never ending bottle! I'm about 5 days behind but I have never seen Eric question where she gets them. Didn't she originally see Fynn for the pain?
I'd love to know the answer to that, too. I remember originally, they gave her a few pills for when she got home. Then that one day, she was shocked to see she took the last one. So where did the subsequent refills come from???
First they make Chase a rapist, now he breaks into Jen Jen's house to what, steal her drugs or worse, he steals Alice's doughnut recipe and sells it on eBay? What's next, they make him the next Salem serial killer? I so hate what they did to this boy.

Speaking of Jen Jen, doesn't she remember helping Carly with her addiction? As for her pills, addicts have many ways to get them. I know, my cousin is an addict and she has told me some of the things she did when she was abusing pain meds.
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I'm just wondering if anyone has ever asked Jen where she is getting the pills. I know it is a soap, but doctors, don't write endless supplies of prescriptions for narcotics.

Well, Jen does know Rory, lol.

Since the fire in Hope's house they have been staying at Jen's is her house getting fixed and why can't they go back?

The fire wasn't even that big, either!