Watching EJ squirm!

I don’t care about the numbers. I care about the circumstances. When Sami cheated on Rafe with EJ, she ruined her marriage, and her children’s happy home. If Sami had been single, and had sex with a single person when she was grieving, it would have been odd, but she wouldn’t have been destroying people’s lives.

How could Sami, Nicole, or anyone else ever trust EJ to be faithful? How do Sami and Nicole know that EJ didn’t cheat on them at other times? EJ goes out of town on business a lot. If EJ would cheat on Nicole with her sister, Taylor, in the same house they were all living in, if EJ would cheat on Sami with the children’s babysitter, the ex-girlfriend of his younger brother, how do they know he hasn’t cheated a dozen other times?

edited to enlarge font....JS
:OT: When I was a kid (a million years ago, in the dark ages) my step-cousin got pregnant (she was about 18). The family was horrified and tried to keep it quiet. They told my younger step-cousins the reason she got pregnant (are you ready for this???) is because she took too many birth control pills. :rotfl: I remember telling my one step-cousin that she got pregnant because she had sex, to which my cousin said "no she didn't, she's not even's because she took too many birth control pills". I said "it's because she DIDN'T take birth control pills!" I got in trouble for telling my younger step-cousins the truth. LOL

Anywho, the days of waiting for marriage for sex and children is long gone on the soaps! :back:

I can't wait to see today (or whenever it happens) when Sami confronts EJ again about the affair and telling him of whatever else is coming down the pike to destroy him.
Wow Samantha Gene is back. Each time she goes to see EJ, he gets a new lesson on how he truly does not know her. He gets a new dose of when the rose colored glasses came off she is far smarter than he ever gave her credit for. Right now he must be thinking it would have been better if she had better aim when she shot him.