Watching EJ squirm!

And then pours salt and lemon juice in the knife wound.
Dipped in that stuff Nicole botched Chloe's surgery with.

I'm ready for Sami to let him have it NOW!!!! enough calling Abby a *bleep* Just my opinion but Abby was with what? 2 men (if you count one a "man"). With Sami, the list is very, very long .
A little Off topic but she told Jen the one she should be throwing out was Abby ..I can't help but wonder if it were one of her girls if she would toss them out. I hope one of them...(Sydney preferably) turns out to be just like her mommy Sami and puts her through what she put Marlena through :)
Sami's list isn't that long, and she was engaged or married to all of them (Lucas, Austin, Brandon, Franco, Rafe). She was raped by Alan, EJ, and Fake Rafe.

I want Sami's revenge to concentrate on getting EJ, and the rest of his psycho relatives out of her life for good.
Sami WAS raped by EJ, but she also willingly had sex with him. She really does have a longer list of "bedmates" than other females, except maybe Kate. O.K. haven't counted them up, but Nicole probably has her beat as well. :)
I am waiting for Abby to say just that to Sami (naming her bedmates)....only because of the name calling Sami did.