Watching EJ squirm!

Junior lost the love of his life for the last 8 years, his last friend, the mother of his children, the person spouting to everyone he is a changed man, but can't say I feel sorry for him! What goes around comes around! There is no one in Salem that I wanted to see this happen to more then JUNIOR! :clap:
Bo Brady "likes" this!

Have not been here for a long time but had to say I love Elwuss getting owned by SAMI!!!! I am giddy for Rafe's reaction to knowing Sami is the mastermind. This has been a long time coming and ALMOST makes up for the last 2+ years especially. I just may have to change my avatar. This is Sami finally being who she is:):clap:
Bo Brady "likes" this!


If there is security camera footage of Elvis trashing his cell and then falling to his knees and weeping his DiMera tears, the guards at Roman's jail ought to immediately email it to Bo Brady. Bo would be so happy that he'd not only order another margarita for himself, but would probably buy a round for everyone in whatever Caribbean bar he happens to be in.
Seriously, I was laughing and cheering while he was trashing the cell. It made me want to go listen to Phil Collins' "Trashing the Camp" from the Tarzan soundtrack. Seriously, that had to be the best moment on Days in years (except maybe for the "daydream" episode where EJ and Sami had it out). I still want to know: HOW did she know about the locker room situation? I want details on that one, for sure. Was she having him followed? Did she check security footage?
She told him yesterday that she went back and reviewed the security footage from the building and saw Abby leaving in different clothes.

Once she found out about EJ and Abby's affair, she must have started going back over each and every footstep EJ made in the past several months.