The Long-Awaited Gala

I am disappointed that tptb didn't let Roman have a great night out with Giselle. We never really saw her being as bad as they all said she was. Considering that when Roman and Marlena first met she was the rich and classy lady that the cop fell for so he should have had some interest in Giselle.

In fact it was the jealous Marlena that came off as the snot. Why would Roman be mooning over the person that Marlena has become. And now the jealous snot is at John's bedside. Roman is a great guy who deserves a woman who sees him as the cats meow and not some snot who chose another man and years later when they didn't work out gets jealous that another woman is interested in him.
Marlena seems to be very similar to her eldest daughter when it comes to men in that it's a case of "if she can't have him, nobody can". Regardless if she was the one who caused their breakup in the first place:rolleyes:.

I want Roman with Kate--much more potential there in the long term.
I took it that Marlena just thought it funny that rich and snooty Giselle was so insistent on having Roman as her date, or she would not donate any artwork up for auction. She knew Roman agreed only "for the cause", and was enjoying the joke with him.
However, calling Giselle by other names was showing how unimportant that woman was to Marlena. Sami DID do the same when speaking to Lucas of Autumn a couple years back.
Giselle herself, in my opinion, was very snooty, and rude to everyone. She had to have her toy, or she was going to take her goodies home in her limo, and she did not care how stranded everyone else would be.
That was my take on it as well. I also thought Giselle was quite jealous of Marlena, seemingly angry that Marlena and Roman were talking about their son's future in front of her, telling Marlena the gala would be a disaster because of her when Patti Stanger didn't show and generally pouting every time Roman did anything but hang on her arm.
Giselle's existence baffles me. Was this to push together Roman & Marlena by inserting an interloper (a favourite trick of the writers)? If so, why do it forty-five Salem seconds before John is conked on the noggin? OY.

Back to the Gala itself, Giselle was right to gloat. Look how cheap the Gala was. Without her art, they would have had a few paintings and Victor's vase, LOL.