The Long-Awaited Gala

They might as well have had Aiden and Hope stop for coffee, and ice cream for the children, at the pub. Ciara could still have managed to get them to dance. That "gala" was more comical than the "casino" where Brady and Theresa were.

I don't know, that gold curtain behind Brady and Theresa was quite hilarious and awkward looking. At least Hope and Aiden had some nice artwork in the background of their dance. :rotfl:
I noticed that too about the music. It didn't seem very waltz-y to me. But then again I don't know much about dancing.

I mentioned my thoughts on this JOKE of a gala in the daily thread. I'm really embarrassed for the show quite honestly. If they weren't going to show the actual event in a ballroom with extras and a large portion of the cast participating then why bother at all. Soap viewers look forward to big events like these and Days failed miserably. I'm sorry but you can only blame budget so much. Have the event at HTS if you couldn't create a ballroom set. Sure, we'd be complaining about yet another thing at the town square but if it meant seeing the actual event then so be it. Having events like these are perfect opportunities to have secrets exposed and continue story lines while giving characters the chance to mingle with others they may not normally interact with. You still could have had the romantic spark moment with Hope and Aiden but how wonderful to have had the EJ/Abby affair bombshell exposed at the gala. Sami could have donated a special piece of "artwork" on behalf of the DiMera's that turned out to be the picture of EJ and Abigail for all to see. There could have also been opportunities for Nicole/Eric angst or maybe John and Marlena interaction. So many possibilities that could have made this event spectacular but no, they have a hotel room full of art and Hope and Aiden are watching Marlena tell stupid jokes on a monitor. Really???? If you look up EPIC FAIL in the dictionary this is it.

End rant.
I wasn't disappointed because I have learned by now not to expect anything wonderful from DAYS like a grand gala and all the trimmings! As for Aiden/Hope's dance they are not professional dancers so don't try to make them into Dancing with the Stars, their dance in the last scene was sweet because they were dancing like common folk!
About this total farce of a Gala.... maybe the ballroom and hotel just wasn't able to change their set up for the domino's tournament that was supposed to take place there..... I don't know but it was really a joke of a Gala...... I know I would have MUCH preferred now after seeing the Gala just seeing just a few of the folks at the pub sitting around drinking coffee discussing how amazing the night had been and how much money the silent auction had brought in.... everyone could still be dressed up..... but we would have been spared the horrors of two closets acting as ballrooms.....and those closets should submit for next years daytime emmys....
I was not troubled by the "gala". I loved seeing Hope and Aiden all dressed up. I thought their dance was sweet and well done. I get that sets and extras can be expensive and that the show is on a very tight budget. I thought the plot purpose of the gala was to bring Hope and Aiden closer together and I believe it accomplished that.
What was with Kristian Alfonso (Hope)? She didn't look like she was interested much at all! Was there something going on behind the scenes that was upsetting her?

Maybe she was angry at how badly the Gala turned out and having to dance in such a small room.
And if the moment at the end of the dance was supposed to be Hope and Aiden's big "electric" moment that was hyped in the summer spoilers then it fell flat and didn't live up to the hype.

I expected something more from the way it was explained in the summer spoilers.
I also agree with JS. It never came across as Gina-esque to me (though, to be fair, I only saw Gina in that horrible Russian egg storyline of 2012, so I might not know too much) or that the actress was upset in real life. Just that she felt guilty because she is having feelings for Aiden, but is still 'together' with Bo.
Pipe and drape, a few can lights up lit along with some strategically placed plants and a ballroom could have been born. Throw in a few tables with pretty linens and centerpieces, and there could have been a much more attractive gala at a very reasonable cost. It's amazing how you can really turn a boring room into something appealing without a huge budget. Have done it many times. Needless to say, I was really disappointed in not only the missed opportunity on other story lines, but also with the fraction of what could have been with the focused gala story of Aiden/Hope & Roman/Marlena, too.