The Long-Awaited Gala

LOL, I did see a couple stray people out in the hall, but all that commotion and fuss for a dance, as lovely as it was, in that room crowded with auction items??? Shame on you, Days. The cookie sale was held in a larger room. LOL and would have had more room to really WALTZ!!!
It was so cheap - I feel like we should start a kickstarter campaign or something for a few more sets. Marlena's material was great but the canned laughter - UGH it hurt my brain to hear it.

Are extras really that expensive? Do companies not lend menswear/formalwear anymore? 10 years ago they would have had 50-60 extras gussied up, waltzing about, and it would have made the Hope/Aiden moment a lot grander and more memorable. Ah, well - frankly I would have preferred not to see ANY of the gala and just have everyone talking about it in the pub later, with Marlena retelling her jokes to Caroline, than the farce we got. Chase & Ciara could have gotten Hope & Aiden to waltz after the art was sold, because that moment was good.
I found it odd that the art was held in a room separate from the Gala itself. I've never been to an event that had an auction or silent auction where the items were not on prominent display. And Hope and Aiden were working the auction room, but no one wandered in to look at the items? Marlena as The video monitor part was just too much for me. I'd rather have seen her at the podium (even without extras) and maybe interspersed with shots of Hope peeking out the doorway, and her reactions to Marlena's speech, to make us believe the auction room was really close to the ballroom.

I agree with you Jason, that moment with Hope and Aiden wasn't too bad in that room. When they first started dancing, it was a weird shot with the artwork around and it didn't look like that much room. The more up-close shots of them dancing were fine. Hope seemed not as into it, but that moment she tucked his hair back got me. That was perfect.
To say that the gala was a disappointment is an understatement. In years past, events like this would have an amazing ballroom with a few dozen extras in tuxedos and evening gowns and half of the cast would be in attendance. The coronation of Greta comes to mind. As well as various parties at Tuscany and Chez Rouge. This gala has been in the planning stages for several months. It was embarassing to watch today. I couldn't appreciate any "moment" Hope and Aiden may have had because I was in disbelief that there was no ballroom (shown). Hope looked beautiful. Marlena looked great as well; however, the part where she spoke her monologue over the monitor made me cringe. Who wrote this? They should be fired. Days used to do events like this so well. The lack of a realistic setting for a gala and the terrible writing made this Days watcher long for the kind of stories done 15-20 years ago.
What a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They recently pulled off such a beautiful wedding for Will and Sonny. So they couldn't do something like that again? I would have preferred the event be in HTS then. And where was Eric? I also thought Jen would be there. And no Victor-Maggie either.

And I agree about the silent auction. Nobody was looking at the stuff and it should have been right outside the ballroom in the corridor.

I'm sure a 49 year old show must have closets full of formal wardrobe they can recycle. Heck they do it on Jennifer every day! :eek:
I found the scarcity of credibility for this event to be particularly insulting, given the power of the EJ/Abby/Sami/Kate stuff going on right now, which is stellar, and which makes me want to tell people...TUNE IN NOW, IT'S GETTING GOOD...and then they deliver this. Reminds me of student film class!! :(
I'm sure Roman was more disappointed than us with gala. We didn't see him get a kiss :)

They spent months talking about the gala and we didn't see the ballroom. We saw some
guests in the hallway and heard laughs at Marlena's jokes. Was the gala done to have
Aiden and Hope get closer? I'm sure something else could have been done better.

On a personal note, I been to small conventions and I've volunteered to work in
the art room. (art done by fans of a show) One year, another volunteer and I
missed something special. We could hear the man playing piano, but we were stuck
watching the room. At least, Aiden and Hope got to see Marlena on video
We can go back just a couple of years ago, to the wedding of Brady & Madison. Seems to me, the guests were all in a large room, champagne glasses in some hands, waiters with trays of hors d'oerves passing thru, etc. A large room. Lots of Salemites. Yes, the tunnel explosions happened, exciting shots, people milling about, etc.
Days would not have needed nearly as much, but for all the talk of that gala, all the work supposedly done, it was a farce. Unless it continues on Monday in a larger room, which I doubt, it's been a lot of talk in order for Aiden & Hope to get all gussied up and dance. :(