Salem's weather

As a native Californian, now living in Arizona because my employer informed me that if I wanted to continue to be employed I'd start living Phoenix (not my choice), I've seen bare trees, I've raked leaves. And, in October/November, it takes weeks to get rid of all the leaves from my fruitless Mulberry tree, Maple, and California Oak. My son is at my house so he is now responsible for raking. But then that is in Northern California and not Southern California where these folks reside. It is beyond silly, really.
When I was in San Diego, there were some trees that shed their leaves, or the leaves changed color. Not much, but there were some. Still, it's ridiculous that these people can't do some research on the weather. Even little kids in Kindergarten know about the changing seasons out East or up North. It doesn't make sense that grown men and women who write the show or are in charge of it can't figure this stuff out. Don't they watch the news at all? My grandma, who's still in California, knows about the snowstorms and stuff that happen out here because she sees it on her news! I'm saying this as someone who's lived all around the country and knows about the different climates in the US and the world.
Daysde, I think they know about it, but they are just terribly constrained by the budget. Making it look "snowy" would be expensive, and it'd be practically inhumane to make the actors wear layers upon layers of clothing under the hot lights given the "one-take" rule.

BUT the solution would be obvious, as Poirot mentioned - move the action indoors.