Salem's weather

I was thinking that Will and Sonny live in a complex that is open with buildings across from each other. Just little walkways dividing the the buildings. There are many of those buildings in So. California. My daughter prefers them to multi-story apartments. Much safer in the case of earthquakes.
It's an exterior hallway outside Sonny's apartment which would explain the snow. Jason47 mentions the set as Sonny's apt/exterior. If it was a covered hallway the set would be mentioned like Daniel's which is Daniel's apt/corridor.

I wondered about it too so went searching.
That's how I thought too but I don't really recall ever seeing a ceiling in the hallway so the inconsistency made me go looking. That's when I found Jason47 saying it is an exterior not a corridor. :)
Yes, I know he calls it the "exterior", but there have been times when it's been a regular hallway. That's why it looks ridiculous to have snow falling. We've even commented on why there is a window looking out into a regular hallway. Then other times, there are flowering shrubs/trees outside their door.
When they first moved into that apartment, it was "across the hall" from Sonny's previous apartment. Yes, ACROSS THE HALL.
And there are no ceilings on any set, because that is where the lights and mikes are. I have pictures, folks! And then, at times, the camera men are there, too, on those huge, high seats, you know, the scenes when we are looking down from higher up.
And instruction scripts for sets that get issued always say just that....exterior, interior, corner, etc. etc. This is for the set designers.
The indoor sets get listed as Daniel's Apartment/Corridor, Theresa's Apartment/Corridor, Larson Apartment/Corridor, etc... and the outdoor sets get listed as Sonny's Apartment/Exterior, Brady Pub/Exterior, Club TBD/Exterior, etc...

As for Sonny's line before they moved into the apartment, the dialogue people I think have been referring to, Sonny talks to Will about neighbors Bob and Nancy who lived "across the way" (not across the hall).

Here's from the 6/12/13 transcript:

Sonny: Had this feeling that Nick and Gabi weren't going to go back to the way they used to be. So I kind of did something.
Will: What?
Sonny: You know bob and Nancy across the way? They moved out.
Will: Oh, finally.
Sonny: [Laughs] I told the landlord that we wanted to rent their place. I even put down a deposit.
Will: It's a two-bedroom.
Sonny: It's a lot bigger than our place.
Will: Are you talking about Gabi and the baby moving in with us?
Sonny: What if I was?
Yes, I know he calls it the "exterior", but there have been times when it's been a regular hallway. That's why it looks ridiculous to have snow falling. We've even commented on why there is a window looking out into a regular hallway. Then other times, there are flowering shrubs/trees outside their door.

It's not me who calls it an Exterior, it's the show. It's always been Sonny's Apartment/Exterior since it first debuted. The window that Sonny snuck out of when he overheard Kate/Sami/Gabi discussing killing Nick goes right outside, where the shrubs are. It's never been an interior corridor/hallway set. Perhaps they have changed what they placed in the area around the shrubs, but it's always been an outdoor set. Just checked, and here is the debut date for Sonny's Apartment, this is the first time we saw the set, on 6/19/13, go to the 9:38 time can see out the window that there is a lamppost or something as an exterior light:

And, check the last 30 seconds of 7/2/13, which is the first time they show the exterior (with shrubs/trees), as Will lurks outside listening to Sonny & Brent. It's the last 30 seconds or so of the video:
In that first clip above....there is a dresser or chest, with a lamp on it, When Sonny opens the door, there is shrubbery (ficus tree) INSIDE the apt. next to the door, and that is a hallway, with an apt. door closely across the way. At least, that is how I see it.
Salem's weather is so bizarre (flowers in early March, etc.) that the University of Illinois Department of Atmospheric Sciences might want to investigate. Scientists at the University might also want to investigate how lightly-clad Salemites march around in the middle of winter without getting frostbite and/or hypothermia. Of course, these scientists should be warned that this could be a dangerous enterprise -- they'd have to risk interviewing Sleeveless Jenny, crazy Eve (whose only winter coat seems to be a thin jacket), and Nurse Betty Boop (whose favorite winter wear appears to be tops, which are off-the-shoulder or backless).
Damon was discussing Clyde's body being covered (buried) by snow in one part of the park while people in another part of the same park were talking by bushes that had no snow on them and standing on ground with no snow on it. Wonderful snow removal crews in Salem. They even "shake the bushes".
With all the controversy surrounding the snow, I don't think we'll be seeing any rain or snow in quite some time.

For the record, I've always seen it as a walkway between two apartment buildings "outside" Will & Sonny's. Their window is a dead don't face hallways.

Maybe Salem will catch on fire from drought in a couple years. lol
I find it interesting that it was snowing yet all the trees were lush green! I'm originally from the midwest and let me tell you there isn't anything green this time of year except pine trees and so far I've never seen a pine tree in Salem! Actually the leaves on the trees look more tropical than anything else.
Maybe Californians have never seen a bare tree, so have no idea. In my opinion, if they don't have bare or leafless trees/bushes, etc. in their bast storeroom of props, or a bare tree/snow covered backdrop to use, then, during the winter, they should not use that "park" setting at all. They would be better off with the docks, the storefronts, doorways, etc.
It is winter, it is cold, (and currently, another snowstorm has swept across the midwest to the east/northeast. Airports have been closed, schools, but that vacuum where Salem exists is just untouched. Lakes are frozen, snow everywhere, but no one even wears earmuffs, let alone the boots and gloves/mittens. Kids are so bundled up in the midwest...but, Salem is the magic kingdom or something. LOL