
Can we leave fanbase wars out of this for once please.

My dislike of Rafe has nothing to do with EJ & Sami. I find the character very boring, sanctimonious & someone the show tried to pawn off as the new Bo when it's just Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald version 2.0. I liked Luis on Passions but when the same actor plays the same typecast role I get very bored. That has nothing to do with the actor tho. I really liked his portrayal of Arnold.

As for Rafe I'm content with him being back burnered. I don't thing the powers don't like him or the actor. I think they don't know how to give him anything meaty to showcase him if Sami isn't involved.
My thoughts on this matter is that I like Rafe but the PTB do not do him or the actor justice in giving him a good storyline. Even back in early 2011 after marrying Sami, we were put through that terrible Fake Rafe storyline that tanked the ratings, along with EJ and Taylor getting together. While it showcased Galen Gering's (Rafe) acting ability, it didn't really give us a good, engaging storyline for Rafe himself, since Galen was playing the imposter. Then not long after, Sami cheated on him with EJ, and he was getting involved with Carrie. Like Daniel, the storylines written for Rafe more often than not don't make sense for the character. I liked him and Sami but they didn't have as much spark as she and Lucas did. I also liked him with Carrie, but they were not given a well-written plot either. I feel there are too many missed opportunities. Rafe should be shown at work more, investigating something. The whole Liam storyline could have been better if, after speaking with Nicole that day in the Pub, Rafe did some investigating and saved her and Jennifer from the psychopath on the island. He is a cop, afterall. Instead, a doctor (Daniel) became the hero anyways. Makes NO sense. Then the writers missed another opportunity to involve him more with the Nick-river storyline. Instead they had EJ and Sami lead that plot. Another dropped ball. So while I like Rafe, I kind of agree with Soapie that he is not given enough interesting storylines to really draw in a lot of viewers, certainly not since his coma and being paired with Jordan.
Love Rafe, love the actor who plays him. I didn't see his role now as Rafe really as a typecast carried over from Passions; I think he's just great in that type of character and if I remember correctly, he was brought in specifically for this role and loved the idea. That being said, I think they've really limited Rafe's story options by killing off Ari and Gabi's going to prison. I think he could step in and fill a void left by Bo in the detective area, but the writers don't seem to care about that with Daniel covering not only any surgery needed, but apprehending criminals when they pop in, too.

I'd like to see more of Rafe with Nicole/Eric/Daniel. He proved to be a good friend to Nicole and Daniel when she was pregnant.
The traits of charisma, oomph, kaboom, and likeability are all subjective, dependent upon our own perceptions, and IMO both Galen Gering and Rafe possess each in massive quantities. It comes across both on screen and especially during personal appearances. It was amazing to see how he can captivate a crowd and relate to each fan that approached him on a personal level. [/quote

' ln massive quantities ' Agree with you 100%...especially that bit about personal appearances! I met him in Toronto last March...he was awesome...likeability and charisma in spades!!! And in my opinion these traits carry through in his acting via his eyes...the writers and suits upstairs just need to give him a chance to demonstrate his acting chops on a regular basis ...not just for a few days each month!