
I think Hope and Rafe would be good together. They could be cops together on a case!
Just like it was with Hope and Bo.
I like them more as friends. I don't see romantic chemistry there, and it woud be awkward since Rafe and Bo were buddies. Plus, Rafe needs to stop with the older women and meet someone his own age. I hope the writers can have him and Jordan only reconcile as friends, and have him realize Nicole is the woman he has loved all along and move on in that direction. Thus, killing two boring birds (Eric & Nikki, Jordan & Rafe) with one stone. Jordan can be paired with Lucas, as they have great chemistry, Brady, since she can help him and John recuperate from their health issues, or even Eric, just to keep the boring characters together.
I would love to see them try Jordan out with Lucas or Brady or even Eric temporarily. Give us some shock value.

I didn't mean to go off on Rafe and Jordan. I'm more upset about the fact that Rafe has been on back burner basically since early 2013. As soon as he broke up with Sami, that is when the back burner status started and then the coma solidified it. It's not fair to the fans or to such a talented actor. I really would like to be a fly on the wall for some of the conversations that go on behind closed doors with TIIC.
...it woud be awkward since Rafe and Bo were buddies.
I'll go you one better, DD. Remember Mickey Horton who married his brother, Bill's, girl? Then, Bill raped (and impregnated) Mickey's wife and eventually married her after she divorced Mickey. If that ain't awkward, nothin' is. :)
Rafe needs to find something positive to do in Salem and stop
drinking and feeling sorry for himself.

It has been a difficult year with Gabi going to jail and now the breakup.
He needs to talk to someone and try to do something useful.

There are two possibilities already with EJ and Clyde doing "business"
in Salem. I think both deserve a visit in jail :)
I'll go you one better, DD. Remember Mickey Horton who married his brother, Bill's, girl? Then, Bill raped (and impregnated) Mickey's wife and eventually married her after she divorced Mickey. If that ain't awkward, nothin' is. :)

Well then.........the Sami/EJ rape/love etc isn't the first on Days now is it???:sarcasm:

I think Rafe and Jordan still have potential but I agree they need a break first. The Powers that be really know how to out do themselves with trashing characters and their most endearing qualities :( What is worse is when they have characters like Rafe do nothing. I miss the cocky but kind hearted FBI agent
I think if the writers really hated Galen Gering/Rafe, they would send him where they sent Carrie/Austin and/or Jack.

My opinion (based on clinical observation) is that they are near-total hacks who don't know how to craft a good story, or --perhaps-- aren't allowed to tell a good story because they were favouring certain characters/actors/storylines. (When I'm not so stressed I lean toward the latter, as there have been several great episodes under the current regime.)

I agree he and Jordan are over, kaput, finito. Mix it up. Have him and Nicole become platonic besties for awhile; let Jordan move on with someone else.
I don't either KathyLu.............just so many posts about it. :beat:
EJ's rape of Sami is a more current topic than Bill's raping Laura, and Jack's rape of Kayla, and those characters (with the rare exception of an occasional glimpse of Kayla) aren't on our screens almost every day. Many viewers/posters weren't even born when those things happened, and many others weren't watching then. EJ and Sami are the "golden couple," after all, and have been front and center on the show (unfortunately) for several years. They are the talk of the message boards, with fans on both sides of the fence, so it's natural that the rape and their subsequent "love story" are discussed to the point of absurdity.

And, since this is a thread about Rafe, I'll pack up my soapbox and get :back:before I have to spend the afternoon in the corner with rew. :)
I think if the writers really hated Galen Gering/Rafe, they would send him where they sent Carrie/Austin and/or Jack.
Actually, (and I feel sure you know this) such decisions are not made by the writers. I think it's more likely that, as you said, they "aren't allowed to tell a good story" because the higher ups, and possibly even some fan bases, are influencing who is or isn't front burner.
I actually think the writers preferred Rafe and Sami together, as evidenced by the stories in late 2012 when it looked like Rafe and Sami were going to reconcile. However, it seems someone higher up put a stop to that, so we got the lock, stock, and barrel couple, EJ and Sami instead and Rafe relegated to the backburner since 2013. In my opinion, the show has been going downhill since then.
I'm not sure Rafe has the charisma, oomph, kaboom, edge to be a lead player. He's just too laid back and boring to me.:)
Rafe had been a lead player for years until the Lock Stock and Barrel scenario was implemented. In fact it was during his introduction to show and the safe house story with Sami that the ratings finally picked up and the show got off the cancellation block. Was he the only reason? NO, but many, including myself actually began tuning in again because of it. I get that some may not appreciate that type of character, but there are many of us that do, just as there are those that simply don't see the appeal of characters like EJ and the version of Sami that's been presented since the HATE BOINK.
We all like different characters and different storylines. I wasn't a big fan when he had lead stories and I'm still not but I know others are.:)
The traits of charisma, oomph, kaboom, and likeability are all subjective, dependent upon our own perceptions, and IMO both Galen Gering and Rafe possess each in massive quantities. It comes across both on screen and especially during personal appearances. It was amazing to see how he can captivate a crowd and relate to each fan that approached him on a personal level.
There was at least one fan base that felt that he was a huge threat. Thus launching a website, twitter account, and general posting campaign complete with avatars, against both the actor and the character. Going so far as to consistently attack the actor himself on twitter. It was a concerted effort to remove his presence in Sami's storyline.