

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2013
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I'm really beyond annoyed at the fact that Rafe still does NOT have a meaningful storyline. I know we've discussed this but do TPTB really hate Galen Gering (Rafe) that much? Because it really seems like they are punishing him.

I'm sorry but there is just no chemistry between him and Jordan and I feel like their entire "love" story is contrived. I would much rather see Rafe single or with someone else. Topping his love story with Sami will always be difficult but I think this Jordan thing has run it's course.

This character has been on the screen for over a year now and we still don't know exactly what happened to her, other than she left, took money and took Ben. And Rafe still knows none of it. That is just way too long and it makes no sense at all that a cop and former FBI agent would not have investigated her at this point.

I turned the show on today to see him hugging Kate?!? What has happened to this smart, successful, leading man?
I'm not sure if it's the writers hating Rafe's character so much as the change in direction they did with Jordan's story just messed everything up that badly. Remember, awhile back Chrishell Stause (Jordan) said that the writers ended up changing her background before they even got her original story done, which is why it took so long for us to find anything out about her.

I kind of think that in the process, they're having a hard time keeping Rafe fans happy, because it isn't like him to sit around and not investigate, but on the other hand, what would have been the point?
Right now, Rafe belongs alone. Kate is entirely too manipulative, sneaky and too huge a liar to be paired for 5 seconds with Rafe.....discounting the age difference. And I agree. They bring in Ben, and Clyde plus Jeremiah, and still have them all talking in circles, and Rafe not saying BOO to Jordan about the fact she still has not told him about herself & Ben, or Clyde, or even the fake names, let alone telling Rafe how Kate broke into her room, brought Sheryl to town, etc. etc.
I too am bummed about the minimal airtime Galen Gering (Rafe) is getting. Just last week he was on screen for 5 or 6 days in a row and I thought...FINALLY we are getting on with the Rafe/Jordan story...but then Kristen returned and the writers are 'bowing down'.

I feel badly for Galen and Chrishell Stause (Jordan)...because they haven't been given a fair shake by the writers. DAYS is supposed to be an ensemble show but these writers and/or the suits upstairs sure show lots of favouritism to many actors on this soap... and we all know who they are....grrrrr!
I'm not advocating that Rafe and Kate resume their strange relationship.

The Rafe and Jordan scenes just seem cold and forced to me. I never saw passion or chemistry. It is pretty bad that her step dad is a more likable to watch character to me, and he's been on a much shorter length of time. I can't wait to find out what he's up to while I don't give one iota about Jordan and Rafe.

I miss Rafe the FBI agent. Days dumbed down his character so much that I feel sorry for the actor.
I think Rafe needs a call directly from the White House to clear up the mess in Salem because no one else can do that like he can!!! Maybe that would mix up the whole show!! And, of course, Rafe would be so happy to oblige the President, wouldn't he?

Days would probably be interrupted by several presidential press conferences regarding how this came about and detailing minute progress of the "clean-up" investigation. Plus, if there were any injuries or other incidents, we'd have to have more interruptions for more presidential press conferences. I'd say leave the White House out of it.
I may be in the minority but I like both Rafe and Jordan. There are so many evil characters (Bad Girls):eek: that it is a nice break.

Yes, they seem to be keeping Jordan subdued for a long time maybe too long, :sick: but now with Clyde (who I suspect he will be involved with EJ's and Victor's drug business), they need this backstory what ever it is. deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS

I'm sure this story is about to explode:fan: and it is probably already taped so it will play through. For the record I like this new Ben also.
I personally think that the writers have totally dropped the ball on the Rafe/Jordan storyline. There are sooo many ways that they could have gone with Jordan's past and we still hardly know anything.

And now, 3 weeks later she still hasn't told Rafe anything about her past! Come on now!..Give me a break!! Rafe has been on the back burner now for a while and its really ridiculous.

edited to write out word....JS
I like the way they're handling the Rafe/Jordan breakup over Rafe's one night stand with Kate because it's a nice counterpoint to the Sami causing chaos storyline. However, I agree that they could have handled the Jordan storyline a lot better and Rafe could have been utilized a lot better.

I loved his recent scenes confronting Sami, and afterwards I think they could have found something better for him to do. I thought it was ridiculous that he didn't find out Kristen was in police custody until someone called him while he was jogging in the park. (Of course it's also ridiculous that Nicole, the ace reporter, reads all sorts of big Salem news in the newspaper instead of reporting on it, but that's beside the point of this thread.)
I have always heard that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. In one year time I don't think that Rafe/Jordan have even made it to a cover, all that has happened is keeping secrets and jumping into bed!

TIIP thought it was more important to keep the momentum going for the "golden couple", Nick the psycho, Kate great grandma from hell, Brady/Theresa the addicts, Kristen the rapist, and Eric/Nicole a great love story involving a priest!

I'm hoping that with the departure of a few of the characters, the show will have more rounded SL's and use all the characters not just a chosen few!
The EJ and Sami show.
Featuring SuperTan and the Sleeveless Wonder! :rotfl:

But seriously--maybe they caved into the EJ-Sami fans' complaints about Rafe being boring and getting too much airtime. If they caved to them before, why not now? As much as I didn't enjoy the Kate and Rafe romps constantly happening, at least is was shocking enough to provide entertainment. All him and Jordan provide me with is time to take my afternoon siesta.