Just let the Eric and Nicole storyline be over!

Heather, I also am hoping Eric forgives Nicole. Maybe not right away (there has to be some fallout from this after all), but I hope they find their way back to each other quickly after this, so Nicole can have her happy ending she really deserves

What I REALLY wish is some twist where it turns out the reason Nicole destroyed the evidence actually was for the greater good and it eventually comes out that that evidence would have hurt Eric's chances somehow. That's just pure fantasy on my part of course and I don't even know how they would pull it off and have ANY credibility left, but I would love to see all the people who cast Nicole out have to eat massive crow.:love:
Yeah if Eric eventually forgives Nicole down the road, even after becoming a priest again, and then decides to get with her again and there are no lies, I might be back on board for this pairing. But seeing them now is just too painful to watch. Like a 'what could have been' type of thing, because we know what is coming.
I have emboldened myself to say something outrageous, so hang on, everybody:

How about a brand-spanking-new man for Nicole? There, I've said it!

I know it's a soap, but the repetitious partner-churning is getting VERY old for me. I'm even having visions of Nicole and Victor getting back together! Time for a nap...
The most natural, friendly, loyal, honest (mostly since tptb have her lying again) comfortable and chemical relationship Nicole has had is with Daniel. You have to have a solid caring friendship in order to be really in love. Nicole and Daniel's friendship is the kind that grows to real love. They should have pursued that the last time they felt drawn together romantically.
I agree SarahBeth. I'm finding that as this storyline progresses I am a lot more worried/upset about the possibility that Nicole will lose her friendship with Daniel than the possibility of Eric breaking up with her. I was willing to give Eric/Nicole a chance until the writers made such a big mess, but the fact that I'll be angrier if they "break up" her and Daniel who aren't even together romantically tells me what they should have gone with in the first place.
Hmm...Don't know how I would feel about that. I mean, it would give Hope another reason to hate on Nicole. And while I know they would have chemistry, I feel like Aiden is just too old for her. But then again, he has a kid, and Nicole is great with kids. I would rather they put her with Rafe.

I echo many of your sentiments that Daniel will end his friendship with Nicole if she doesn't come clean to Eric. He risked his life to help her and Eric, and will probably feel like, after destroying the evidence, Nikki doesn't value his life very much (or hers, for that matter). I could also see him breaking ties with her to please Jennifer, who'll no doubt be furious at what she did. That's why I think she'd be better with Rafe than with Daniel. Rafe seems to accept Nicole more as she is. He was definitely more forgiving towards her immediately after the Jennifer fiasco in 2012 than Daniel was. And while Dan and Jen may eventually forgive Nikki for this, they probably won't be able to trust or look at her the same again.
While I haven't been watching, it sounds like Days should have taken a better look at how Loving wrote Fr. Jim Vochek. He was written as a Priest without a love interest for the first few years of the show, but he did have a life centered around family and friends, so that when Shana (whom he eventually left the Priesthood for) showed up and their back story was shown through flashbacks, he was not seen as a one dimensional character.

Try Ballykissangel. Priest who ends up with the Publican's daughter.

I have emboldened myself to say something outrageous, so hang on, everybody:

How about a brand-spanking-new man for Nicole? There, I've said it!

I know it's a soap, but the repetitious partner-churning is getting VERY old for me. I'm even having visions of Nicole and Victor getting back together! Time for a nap...

I see this happening too. A dashing charming handsome dastardly man comes into town - and Eric gets *bleep*.
It's a fight to save her from the dark side and he realises he's going to lose her again and pulls out all the stops to pull her back to the light.
But in the end she makes the realisation she is who she is and she'll never measure up to Eric and his families expectations so she goes with the fun bad boy.

The most natural, friendly, loyal, honest (mostly since tptb have her lying again) comfortable and chemical relationship Nicole has had is with Daniel. You have to have a solid caring friendship in order to be really in love. Nicole and Daniel's friendship is the kind that grows to real love. They should have pursued that the last time they felt drawn together romantically.

Can't stand her with Daniel. He acts so good and yet he admitted to Maggie he was using her when she was a scared pregnant damaged woman.

I often skip her scenes when she is with him because he gives me the creeps.

I would rather her with almost anyone other than Daniel and that includes old flings Victor and Roman.
Not gonna happen but this is what I would like to see...... Nicole come cleans to Eric, he is very upset with her but tells her he can forgive but needs time to work through it but in the meantime they do not break up..... Eric wants to keep this info between Nicole and himself and asks Daniel to keep it to himself explaining outside interests may make it a bit tougher for him and Nicole to work through this.... If only Daniel, Nicole, and Eric know than Nicole in someway gets her punishment for lying but does not become the town punching bag again and this would also help her believe that yes Eric does really love her.

I know this is not gonna happen but how I wish it would cause well gosh I just do not want to see holier than thou Marlena go off on Nicole
If only, supercouple, if only...

Or better yet... Eric does turn on Nicole, so does everyone else in town, including perfect Jennifer, as usual. But Daniel stands by her and they rekindle what they once had, leaving Jennifer and Eric on their saintly, miserable, gloom and doom pedestal.
Not gonna happen but this is what I would like to see...... Nicole come cleans to Eric, he is very upset with her but tells her he can forgive but needs time to work through it but in the meantime they do not break up..... Eric wants to keep this info between Nicole and himself and asks Daniel to keep it to himself explaining outside interests may make it a bit tougher for him and Nicole to work through this.... If only Daniel, Nicole, and Eric know than Nicole in someway gets her punishment for lying but does not become the town punching bag again and this would also help her believe that yes Eric does really love her.

I know this is not gonna happen but how I wish it would cause well gosh I just do not want to see holier than thou Marlena go off on Nicole

I would not be surprised if they went down a route like this at this point. They gave us the twist with Jen standing by Daniel with the drug stuff so why not this.
If she can't be "good" enough for Priest Eric there's no way she'll ever be "good" enough for Walk on Water Jonas.

Oh I disagree. Daniel is probably the first man in Nicole's life who sees and understands what drives her to do the things she does taking into account that she did try to tell him the truth and was obviously struggling with the lie she told. Then points it out to her that is what does make her a good person. If the Archduchess of Haggery Jenn wasn't in the picture Daniel would be with Nicole. I don't care what he said to Maggie about using her his actions after the blast frantically searching for her told it all. The dumbutt just needs to listen to what his heart told him and then reaffirmed to him when he and Nicole were sitting on that couch and kissed. Nicole and Daniel could set the room on fire yet tptb would rather nauseate me by sticking him with Jenn.
Can't stand her with Daniel. He acts so good and yet he admitted to Maggie he was using her when she was a scared pregnant damaged woman.

I often skip her scenes when she is with him because he gives me the creeps.

I would rather her with almost anyone other than Daniel and that includes old flings Victor and Roman.
I agree with you, Anna&Tony. I would like nothing better than to have Daniel Jonas leave town, either alone or with Jen Jen, never to be heard from again.

I could be on board with Eric becoming a priest again, only to realize that he could forgive Nicole for what she did as she is his one true love, and leaves the priesthood for good to be with her. That would make a really compelling story.
VERY sick of this story too, sounds like it will go at least through May 23, really hate the Nicole character now.

This might be one reason the ratings have dropped from a 2.1 rating to the now 1.7
Yes, the storyline with Nicole is tedious, but so are most of the other stories on the show. The Nick investigation is fine, but somewhat unrealistic with certain aspects, and I can see it getting bland in a few weeks. But, NOTHING in my opinion is as boring on Days as the Jordan mystery! UGH! SO painful to watch.