Just let the Eric and Nicole storyline be over!

Yes, I loved that Father Brown series.....LOL.

The trouble with these writers is they wrote Eric the priest as this serious, holy man, always in prayer, if he wasn't being solemn with his family or parish family. Priests are human like everyone else, they laugh, joke around, go jogging, play golf, tennis, they even cook & do laundry for themselves. And Eric just was not portrayed as "having a life" that was not inside the church.
Priests also take vacations, go fishing, hunting, sightsee, etc. and all without wearing their collar.
So yes, Nicole knew the limits with Eric being a priest and accepted, lived her life accordingly. And I do agree that Eric should have remained a priest. I know the actor felt the "collar" was limiting for him, but, as I said, priests do not wear them all the time.
As much as Dr. Dan's superhero act really works my nerves lately I much prefer Nicole back with Daniel. They have chemistry and I think Daniel does accept Nicole for who she is rather than berating her over and over for her mistakes. She is by far one of my favorites on this show and I wish the writers would give her a storyline that didn't have an end result of her miserable and torn down by everyone in Salem.
Yes, I loved that Father Brown series.....LOL.

The trouble with these writers is they wrote Eric the priest as this serious, holy man, always in prayer, if he wasn't being solemn with his family or parish family. Priests are human like everyone else, they laugh, joke around, go jogging, play golf, tennis, they even cook & do laundry for themselves. And Eric just was not portrayed as "having a life" that was not inside the church.
Priests also take vacations, go fishing, hunting, sightsee, etc. and all without wearing their collar.
So yes, Nicole knew the limits with Eric being a priest and accepted, lived her life accordingly. And I do agree that Eric should have remained a priest. I know the actor felt the "collar" was limiting for him, but, as I said, priests do not wear them all the time.
While I haven't been watching, it sounds like Days should have taken a better look at how Loving wrote Fr. Jim Vochek. He was written as a Priest without a love interest for the first few years of the show, but he did have a life centered around family and friends, so that when Shana (whom he eventually left the Priesthood for) showed up and their back story was shown through flashbacks, he was not seen as a one dimensional character.
While religious persons do leave their ministry for various reasons, it just isn't always because of being in love with someone. They might feel the secular life is just not for them, but it isn't because they lost their faith.
I truly resent that the show is having Eric change his mind about something he felt was very important. I have met nuns, ministers who gave up the secular life, but they did not give up their religious beliefs at all.
Heck, there are those who enter a convent to become a nun, the seminary to be a priest, and before they make any vows, realize this is not the life for them.
I just wish they would keep Eric as a priest....yes, Nicole really does have more chemistry with Daniel, their friendship has been written well. Daniel & Jennifer really have none, to me.
While religious persons do leave their ministry for various reasons, it just isn't always because of being in love with someone. They might feel the secular life is just not for them, but it isn't because they lost their faith.
I truly resent that the show is having Eric change his mind about something he felt was very important. I have met nuns, ministers who gave up the secular life, but they did not give up their religious beliefs at all.
Yes, while I'm not Catholic, I've lived with Nuns and worked with Priests, and leaving the community or order can have nothing to do with losing or even questioning their faith. Again Loving did a far better job at telling this story.
I still root for Eric and Nicole, though it has been written badly and I'm not sure they will survive the truth - both Nicole's truth and Eric's truth - when they finally come out. I like them for several reasons - I thought Nicole could finally get her happy life with miracle babies, being the biggest reason. Just not sure that will happen now, though. We'll find out soon enough!
I wasn't on board with Eric/Nicole - then they had some park scenes together and I started to like them. Then Nicole shredded the evidence, and I flashed back to Bo/Carly. WHY?!? Because we ALL knew how that was going to end.

IF Eric forgives Nicole after she tells him the truth, I might get back on board with them...but I don't see that happening because he's such a sanctimonious sop. Personally the only time I could tolerate Dr Orange was when he was with Nicole.

What I don't understand here is, let's say whoever did find that paper that's in the bushes tying Dr. Chyka to Kristen or whoever....how is Nicole tied to this at all?
Without all the other circumstantial evidence mentioned by Poirot, which is damning, there is the fact that Daniel and Nicole were on a trip to find the evidence and the same showing up in Salem would lead people to be suspicious of Nicole. (Because she is, after all, the series' whipping girl.)
I'm still hoping for a twist whereby Eric forgives Nicole sooner rather than later. However, after today's episode, they were a bit over the top so not sure I'll get my wish. But still, Jennifer knew Daniel was being drugged so stranger things have happened.
I was rooting for them for a long time. Nicole had changed and her and Eric got over their many spats. They had chemistry to me, and a loving past. But then the writers just HAD to make her lie and shred the evidence! Despicable! I hate that she is Salem's punching bag yet again, but I hate even more that the writers have had her do this when she easily could've had her happily ever after. If Nicole tells Eric the truth and he forgives her, then I'll be back on board with them. But for now, I just can't take it seriously. I doubt he will forgive her (for a while, at least), and actually kind of want to see him as a priest again, which I expect he will do once the truth comes out. I'd rather see Nicole with Rafe anyways. They have major chemistry together and have been friends for a while. I did like him with Jordan at first but she just lacks the spunk for them to be together and her storyline bores me to tears. I also think it would be fun if Nicole was paired with Daniel again-I remember they toyed with that a few months ago. But I feel like Daniel should ultimately wind up with Jennifer, and I don't want Nicole to be second choice for him again.

I say that Rafe should dump Jordan when the truth comes out, just as Eric finds out what Nicole did and leaves her for the priesthood. Jennifer and Daniel eventually break up and maybe Nicole sleeps around for a bit with Dan, only for her and Rafe to really connect. As Daniel feared back in 2012, Nicole has gotten him and Rafe in a love triangle. Nicole eventually chooses Rafe, and Daniel goes back to Jennifer, no hard feelings. In the meantime, Brady can leave Theresa after he learns of her part in the Liam debacle, and he can get his life together and get with Jordan.
I quit watching because of the Nicole/Eric/Chyka cover up. This storyline undid all of the Nicole redemption from when she lost the baby. Plus it made no sense, she was Eric's biggest defender and almost lost her life in clearing his name, but then finally she decides to hide the evidence? Plot over characters is killing this show.