Just let the Eric and Nicole storyline be over!

If Nicole would have come clean months ago (however long it's been now, feels like months), she would have had a shot at redemption. At this point, I wish I could get behind her relationship and be happy for her, but I can't, because she's built it on lies.

The other thing that bothers me is that Eric has always been able to call her on her crap. He always knew when she was lying, so what's changed (besides the writers)? I really wanted Eric/Nicole to happen in the right way :( Not like this.
Oh I don't think that Nicole is the only big liar in the relationship. Eric's biggest profession of love "I want to spend the rest of my life with you whether we find evidence that clear's me or not" is a major whopper. I am getting tired of Nicole worrying that she is going to loose Eric if he finds out. He's not that special for her to be so invested in him.
Well, if you like a tortured soul, gloom and doom type of a guy, who seems to think every little thing is the end of the world (not talking about the rape, of course, as that was truly horrible), then someone could be interested in Eric. But Nicole ? Nope, I just don't get it. She's much too feisty to be brought down by Eric.

So yeah, Nicole lied, but, like SarahBeth says, so did Eric. He led her on, first saying he chose her no matter what, then by saying he only chose her because of the lack of evidence. (Not in so many words, but that's what he meant.) So not only is this thing dragging, it's not even written with consistency. Surprise, surprise. :rolleyes:

So let's get the "I hate Nicole, she's a selfish liar" parade, with probably Marlena, Maggie and Jennifer as the perfect queens, leading the way, and get it over with already, as we all know this is what's going to happen ! :beat:
Honestly what bothers me the most about Eric/Nicole isn't Nicole's shredding the evidence. It's that Eric asked her to promise him to live a drama-free life and she said she would. Being a quiet little housewife is just NOT Nicole. I much much much preferred her with Daniel because it seemed to me that she and Daniel completely accepted and supported each other, called each other on BS as needed and communicated well--none of this "I love you so please change into someone else" garbage.

The evidence shredding is just a symptom of this larger problem. This is Nicole--she has a good heart, she wants to do what is right, she's loyal to her friends and she has pockets of insecurity that can lead her down a crazy path. Whether she's shredding evidence or standing up to some idiot at the pub who says things about Eric, that's who she is, and if Eric really wants to be with her he should want to be with all of her, not keep trying to change her into a nice calm girl that the church would approve of.
This SL sucks but this is DAYS, but what bothers me is they don’t have any chemistry, and this is so odd for Ms Zucker (Nicole) because she has chemistry with anyone on the show, there isn’t a male actor on the show that she has failed with, I have bought her involvement with Ej, Rafe, Daniel, Lucas, even Victor and Stefano and enjoyed watching her! except Eric! Eric needs to be a priest again.
Ooh TamiBelle can I sign up to be part of your pro-Nicole posse? I'm irritated enough at the way Maggie and Hope treated her this past week and the way Marlena has been acting towards her in general. If they start another round of Pin the Blame on Nicole I'm going to have to take some VERY deep breaths.
What I don't understand here is, let's say whoever did find that paper that's in the bushes tying Dr. Chyka to Kristen or whoever....how is Nicole tied to this at all? Her name isn't on the papers, and nobody has any idea that she is the one who shredded it in the first place, since Liam is gone now... So why is she all worried and talking to herself in the park about the evidence in the first place?? This is not making sense to me.
This SL sucks but this is DAYS, but what bothers me is they don’t have any chemistry, and this is so odd for Ms Zucker (Nicole) because she has chemistry with anyone on the show, there isn’t a male actor on the show that she has failed with, I have bought her involvement with Ej, Rafe, Daniel, Lucas, even Victor and Stefano and enjoyed watching her! except Eric! Eric needs to be a priest again.
Oh how I am on board with you. End this madness with Eric, he is such a bore and he needs to go back to the priesthood. Nicole needs to be Nicole. There is absolutely no chemistry (for whatever its worth) between these two. End this torture now please
What I don't understand here is, let's say whoever did find that paper that's in the bushes tying Dr. Chyka to Kristen or whoever....how is Nicole tied to this at all? Her name isn't on the papers, and nobody has any idea that she is the one who shredded it in the first place, since Liam is gone now... So why is she all worried and talking to herself in the park about the evidence in the first place?? This is not making sense to me.
Because Nicole is the writers' punching bag and I'm sure they'll come up with some way to tie the shredded paper to her, now that Liam is dead.
Actually, it will not take anyone long to remember.....she was found shredding the documents, which she said was work related. Then she carried the shredded paper around, storing it at Daniel's apt. He saw it. I mean, who saves a bag of shredded paper for a couple of weeks.

These people will have lightbulbs going off if/when a document that was shredded and then pasted back together is found. Especially on the island near where Liam died. And Jen will recall how Nicole was searching his pockets at the cabin, tho she said it was the phone, but she already had the phone, and then Hope will recall Nicole again going over to Liam's body, intending to do something, but claiming she thought he moved, as her excuse.
I honestly do not like the way the writers use Nicole as a whipping dog. For the love of God and all that is holy let her be happy for once, and if the high and mighty women of Salem: Marlena, Hope, Jennifer all gang up on her I will pull them through the TV and knock the snot out of the. AMEN!


This SL sucks but this is DAYS, but what bothers me is they don’t have any chemistry, and this is so odd for Ms Zucker (Nicole) because she has chemistry with anyone on the show, there isn’t a male actor on the show that she has failed with, I have bought her involvement with Ej, Rafe, Daniel, Lucas, even Victor and Stefano and enjoyed watching her! except Eric! Eric needs to be a priest again.

:clap::clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I've hated this story line from the get go. I don't see chemistry either. It would've been much better to me if Eric remained a priest, and Nicole stayed working at the rectory / school. They could've solved mysteries together like the old Father Brown tv show.