If you lived in Salem....

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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I would say that I fall into that 98% percentile, with exception of when I tried to brainwash my little sister into thinking she was really my ugly step sister and the time I exacted my revenge on my arch nemesis and put them in a sarcophagus, left to go for dinner and forgot about them. But that's about it.... oh yeah, and then there was that time when my video, much like the one that Marlena showed at Brady and Kristen's wedding, was leaked onto the internet but that wasn't my fault because my alternate personality Buzzingman, did that to me. :confused:
Muzza's post gave me an idea for a silly thread. If you lived in Salem, what goofy situations would you have gotten into, created, been a victim of, etc.

Have fun with this!

Just the other day, my identical twin sister showed up at the door. My parents had no idea she had been born, having been stolen by the doctor during delivery and smuggled out of the hospital. She was raised by tough-talking truck stop waitress named Gertie.

Now I'm afraid she's going to move in on my man, pretending to be me.

Also, my little brother has been dating our ex-stepmother, Bubbles. She used to babysit us all the time. I find it pretty disturbing that he's dating a woman who once bounced him on her knee.
OH MY GOD, DAYSLADY.........We are related. Maggie is my egg baby mama too! However I did not know this at first because Marlena carried me to term, was raised by Kate, then Maggie was my mom then wasn't due to a switched paternity test, then we found out they were switched a few times. But we are now sure Maggie is my mom. Nice to meet you sis.
I once had all of my organs removed in a black-market organ scheme. Luckily, I happened to be at a local Starbucks and the barista operated on me, right on the counter, reinserted all of my recovered organs, rubbed used coffee grounds on my incisions so I wouldn't scar and I was able to go to work the next day with no problems.
I have school pictures that end in 4th grade... I was a cute little blond.... then I went to visit family out of state.... not sure what state or which direction from this town it is in.... but that doesn't matter because I returned a dark haired brunette.... for a year or so of High School then daddy #2 divorced mommy #3 and I was sent away again....

I returned as a redhead with a different name.... because well I didn't like the one Mommy and Daddy gave me...

I have a year of high school but it doesn't matter because I'm an executive raking in money while never ever going to the office and holding ALL of my meetings on my cellphone with the amazing battery in the local coffee shops, pubs, clubs, town squares.... really anywhere I am...... it's a great life....
I am the triplet born to Marlena and Roman (yep, Sami and Eric were triplets). For some reason, I was sent to Colorado at birth, instead of waiting to go with the others. I am a nice mix of my siblings...I watch out for myself, but don't take things that aren't mine. But I'm not so self-righteous that I preach to others. I have come to Salem to help my brother and sister with their latest disasters.
I was raised by my mom until I found out my father was a mobster living in a totally different country. After going to live with him for several years and adopting his devious ways, I learned via a letter from some old lady I had barely interacted with that he actually wasn't my dad, and he died some time later. But all ended up well when I was kidnapped and discovered that he was alive and kidnapped as well, and in fact, was my father, as the man who died was just a doppelganger and the entire letter was made up a crazy ol' loon.
I took over Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed's law practice and can't understand why little old ladies keep calling looking for help in finding their lost kitties. I'm also perplexed by the odd collection of would-be clients: 1) Sami who wants to sue Abigail for alienation of affections because of her trysts with EJ and starts screeching when told that this cause of action was abolished years ago, 2) Abigail who wants a restraining order against Sami and wants to sue her for intentional infliction of emotional distress, 3) EJ who wants to repossess his racing car from the nursery school that got it from Sami and constantly says, "bloody hell," 4) Stefano who wants to sue his board of trustees for not looking out for his interests, and 5) Daniel Jonas who wants to trademark his scruffy, unshaven, deeply tanned look so no other doctor can adopt it. I'm also perplexed by the lack of criminal defense lawyers in Salem until told that members of the local police force are so preoccupied with their personal affairs that they rarely make an arrest. Finally, there's the interesting news that a lucratice sideline is revising wills so that Salemites can make provisions for previously unknown children.
I am also a lawyer and was a prominent member of the community. I went to mail a letter and never came back.

Now I have one of those new-fangled computers and it keeps saying "you have mail". I keep walking to the mailbox and it's always empty. Sigh.....
Despite being a female, I am the seventh son (Steffina) of the seventh son (Stefano) and am poised to take over DiMera Enterprises once I finish 6th grade. My teacher once had an affair with my father when I was a child, but we plan to be married as soon as I'm 18 (next year).

My mother is unknown at this time, but Dr. Rolf and my father worked on me in the laboratory downstairs at the DiMera Mansion before I was born, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I consider Dr. Rolf and Stefano to be my parents no matter if they did hatch me from some woman's eggs.

I have red hair and enjoy learning everything I can about everybody's business in Salem.
Well, I have no memories of my life before Salem, but one thing I do know is that I have a twin brother and we arrived in Salem in a spaceship. A bunch of kids took us in, hid us and taught us how to speak. Apparently, my mothers eggs were implanted in another woman who gave birth to me. I find myself more and more wondering who I really am and if anyone actually remembers me.

This Salem is a crazy place. I was "killed" once, stuffed in a piñata where I guess I fell out of, like I was some sort of candy. Then next thing I remember I'm on an island that looks just like Salem, was rescued and then everything after that is a blank.

I don't remember speaking to anyone after boarding that ship but I do remember there was some guy named Colin Murphy who just appeared then disappeared again. Maybe one day one of my two moms will claim me as their own.
Turns out I'm Maggie's long-lost father thanks to an amazing DiMera invention that's really too complicated to explain. But I didn't know that when I came to Salem, because I paid some goons to attack me by the docks so I could be saved by a hunky police officer whom I was stalking. However, that didn't work out when I learned that he was responsible for the hit-and-run accident that took the life of my own long-lost father, Bill Horton, Jr., who was born in Africa sometime in the 1990s but is now a 50-something dead man.