How to bring back Jack!!!

The whole idea of going undercover is not buyable. I just can't get behind a misidentified body of the only person who got dropped in an elevator but because the last time Jack was missing he was held hostage and lost his wife in the process. He wouldn't be so eager to leave after just finally getting her back by default since Daniel walked away. There isn't an agency that would put him undercover knowing that he had a serious case of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and he couldn't do it himself since he would need to be bankrolled.
When that elevator dropped, there could have been someone under it. People died, were injured all over the place. I just do not think Jack would go "undercover", leaving his family to mourn him.

And I agree about his treatment by this regime of writers. When Matt Ashford signed on, there was a different head writer, and regime, but that changed before he began work (he was on the road with a play, so had to finish that contract first). So, Jack has to be gone, and evidently this writing group intended to make sure he would not be brought back again. So, he was dead and cremated. Just like they had done to Tony. And how they disemboweled poor Bart, to retrieve a key he had swallowed. (Tony killed him in a sword fight, so Bart was taken outside, into an ambulance, and opened up to get that key)

But I have seen, as you all have, on Days, people brought back all the time, whether cremated, buried in the ground, etc.

But here's a story from another soap (GL) that I really liked at the time. Done tastefully, helpfully. 3 mothers who had died at different times, return as ghosts/spirits (ala Isabella has, at times) to help their loved ones thru some problems. The 3 women spirits chat with each other, but are there "talking" to their children, giving wise counsel, and the loved ones are able to deal with their situations and make the right decisions.
It's already been in a store window. JJ went ballistic when he saw it.

Barb, I think if Jack is just away, and not dead, it's not because he wants to be gone, or even knows who he is.

I know it has, but the point is to have this new book just show up in that same window. Everyone expected the other one to be there, they knew it was coming out and JJ went nuts because he'd just found out what Jack had done to Kayla. But for a new book to just show up with no explanation to the family, and Jack to show up to give his explanation might be interesting. Especially after how hard Abigail and JJ took his death and how quickly Jennifer moved on. They could even give him a new name and say he did have amnesia, or say he has been in witness protection for something he went through while he was gone. History is rewritten so often they could pretty much say whatever they wanted to.
The elevator crashed to the bottom. Some Joe Smo heard Jack moaning and crawled into the smashed elevator and pulled Jack out.Joe Smo then collapsed and beams crashed down on his face. His body was assumed to be Jack's, but the real Jack stumbled away in all the confusion. Jack, with his cuts,bruises and burns, is found and taken to the hospital and then transferred out right away to a more advanced burn unit. He has no id on him and he himself has no clue who he is. His body heals but his memory doesn't. They finally make him leave the hospital, and he goes to Salem but doesn't know why. I love whom ever had the idea that he could be there for Abby when everyone else turns against her. How about we add to that and say that Nicole comes across Marlena laying into Abby, and Nicole takes Abby under her wing. Nicole also keeps running into this man with a badly burned face, and she befriends him. They are having supper one night and Abby comes to Nicole's to talk to her and sees the man and sees a necklace he is wearing (something about that angel Jack gave her) yada yada.
They finally make him leave the hospital, and he goes to Salem but doesn't know why. I love whom ever [sic] had the idea that he could be there for Abby when everyone else turns against her.
That was me, and I like your idea too. I think Jack & Nicole could be a force in Salem.

TheWriter, I agree, if Jack EVER comes back no matter HOW they do it or who the head writers are...Keep him MILES away from that sleeveless shrew!!!
The elevator crashed to the bottom. Some Joe Smo heard Jack moaning and crawled into the smashed elevator and pulled Jack out.Joe Smo then collapsed and beams crashed down on his face. His body was assumed to be Jack's, but the real Jack stumbled away in all the confusion. Jack, with his cuts,bruises and burns, is found and taken to the hospital and then transferred out right away to a more advanced burn unit. He has no id on him and he himself has no clue who he is. His body heals but his memory doesn't. They finally make him leave the hospital, and he goes to Salem but doesn't know why. I love whom ever had the idea that he could be there for Abby when everyone else turns against her. How about we add to that and say that Nicole comes across Marlena laying into Abby, and Nicole takes Abby under her wing. Nicole also keeps running into this man with a badly burned face, and she befriends him. They are having supper one night and Abby comes to Nicole's to talk to her and sees the man and sees a necklace he is wearing (something about that angel Jack gave her) yada yada.
Why not? This is a classic soap scenario. To cap things off, the mighty Love Doctor could restore Jack to his original appearance, while Melanie and his doting egg-mommy swoon with pride. The bottom line would be that everybody wins except Ms. Sleeveless who might be so busy battling Eve, Theresa and Anne Milbauer to notice Jack's return. (After all, she barely noticed that he was dead.)
I would LOVE Jack to return. I would like Jack to return having had amnesia and somehow returns to Salem - maybe someone recognizes him somewhere outside of Salem and brings him back. Jack has no recollection of his life in Salem but has an instant bond with his children. Not so much with Jennifer. Ms. Horton now has to chase Jack, much like the beginning of their relationship. And she drops Daniel like the hot potato that he is. What I would love most is to see flashbacks of the beginning of their relationship. And much like the beginning of their relationship they go on many adventures together, get into much trouble, and because its Jack a lot of intelligent comic relief. Basically, I agree with theWriter only eventually I would like Jack and Jen to find their way back to each other. I just don't want him to be the schmuck as that happens. I love Matthew Ashford (Jack) and want him and his character to be treated with respect if he is going to ever return.
With them showing his picture so often, it would be hard to recast. Plus, Matt Ashford was not the first actor to portray Jack, and, at one point in time, after he had already played Jack who was written out, the role was recast for a while. A good actor played the part. Definitely not the same. That actor was gone, and Matt returned in the role.
Well, he is not who knows. I would love for him to return.

I do understand and appreciate that we all do not feel the same way about the various characters, so, it appears that at times we are glad and others times are not. :)
iF there is one character (besides Steve "Patch" Johnson") that I want to see back in Salem it is Jack Deveraux. And so, whether this be recycle or not....I don't care. The last time Jack was thought to be dead, he was in hospital, where an intern/orderly was discovered by Jack to be his amnesiac brother, Steve.

I have a couple different ideas/scenarios. '
Jack is badly injured in the elevator crash, in a coma for a long time. Since no family member identified him, the man who died was wrongly identified as Jack. Meanwhile, John Doe Is transferred to a hospital that is better able to deal with all the traumatic injuries suffered by this patient. When he finally comes out of his coma, he has no memory of his identity, goes thru a long rehab. He was initially given the John Doe name, which corresponded with the initials on his belt buckle, JD. But then was given another name with those initials. Hey, Jason DiSpeech, can we use yours? lol) And he ends up in Salem, not remembering anything, meets Jennifer, and they fall in love all over again, finding their way towards each other differently, but the same.

The other scenario has the same beginning, and the same coma, need for therapy, etc. Only, it is brother Patch who recognizes him, realizes he did not die, befriends this patient, help him regain his strength and mobility. Patch is the guiding force for Jack, and is why he failed to be with Kayla in Salem. So Jack evenutally recovers, and Patch talks him into going with him to Salem, starting life anew, not revealing the "why". Jack meets up with Jennifer, doesn't recognize her, but feels a connection. When Jen sees Patch, realizes what is going on, she is torn. This is her children's father, she wants them to connect again. Jack is her first love, the man with whom she shares a multitude of memories over the year, but from whom she moved on after he was "dead".

So....tell me, how would you "bring back Jack"?
I like all these ideas!! Can we bring back Tony Dimera too!?! :) :clap:
I was watching an old episode of Friends last night where they were talking about Joey's role on Days of Our Lives as Dr Drake Ramoray and how he was killed by being dropped down an elevator shaft.

So the writers had to rip off a Friends plot for Days for Jack's death.