How to bring back Jack!!!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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iF there is one character (besides Steve "Patch" Johnson") that I want to see back in Salem it is Jack Deveraux. And so, whether this be recycle or not....I don't care. The last time Jack was thought to be dead, he was in hospital, where an intern/orderly was discovered by Jack to be his amnesiac brother, Steve.

I have a couple different ideas/scenarios. '
Jack is badly injured in the elevator crash, in a coma for a long time. Since no family member identified him, the man who died was wrongly identified as Jack. Meanwhile, John Doe Is transferred to a hospital that is better able to deal with all the traumatic injuries suffered by this patient. When he finally comes out of his coma, he has no memory of his identity, goes thru a long rehab. He was initially given the John Doe name, which corresponded with the initials on his belt buckle, JD. But then was given another name with those initials. Hey, Jason DiSpeech, can we use yours? lol) And he ends up in Salem, not remembering anything, meets Jennifer, and they fall in love all over again, finding their way towards each other differently, but the same.

The other scenario has the same beginning, and the same coma, need for therapy, etc. Only, it is brother Patch who recognizes him, realizes he did not die, befriends this patient, help him regain his strength and mobility. Patch is the guiding force for Jack, and is why he failed to be with Kayla in Salem. So Jack evenutally recovers, and Patch talks him into going with him to Salem, starting life anew, not revealing the "why". Jack meets up with Jennifer, doesn't recognize her, but feels a connection. When Jen sees Patch, realizes what is going on, she is torn. This is her children's father, she wants them to connect again. Jack is her first love, the man with whom she shares a multitude of memories over the year, but from whom she moved on after he was "dead".

So....tell me, how would you "bring back Jack"?
The actor has been given the shaft by tptb too many times. And the last time he was literally given the shaft... the elevator shaft. Now I find it funny that a pregnant Chloe survived the same type of fall. But Jack has been killed off too many times and brought back in a cockamamie story too many times.
No offense to anyone, but it seems to me that Matthew Ashford (ex-Jack) would have taken the hint some time ago and quit believing that TPTB really want him back. Even though I don't like him, I don't like the way he has been treated. If they ever want him back, I hope he tells them where they can stuff their "contract."
Oh, I see......Stefano, Andre', Tony all brought back from the dead in asinine ways countless numbers of times was fine , and a lot more times than jack. Actually, Jack may have disappeared from Salem, but can only remember him being "dead" twice. But, what do I know.
Barb, for your sake alone, I would love to see Steve come back and, if he brings Jack with him, that would be Okay, too. (That's why they put the FF button on the remote. :)) I just think that Matthew Ashford (ex-Jack) has been treated worse than the others mentioned and I'd like to see him have some pride. From what I hear, he's a successful actor and should be able to tell DOOL to go to ...

I don't think they will bring him back unless/until they can write him in again as an interloper in his own family.

I like both your scenarios.
The thing is, if Jack were to come back now it would cheapen the storyline we've seen for the last year of JJ struggling to deal with his father's death and his knowledge that his father did things he didn't know about, and eventually turning his life around. HOWEVER I would support Jack coming back as a ghost like Isabella used to, to being used in flashbacks--i.e. Jen, Abby or JJ actually thinking about what Jack would have said or done and missing him as they deal with their current problems.

As for Jack staging his own death (again), that could be done. In the past, he did such things when he thought Jen deserved better than him and thought it better for her to think him dead. I can't imagine a scenario where he would think such a thing nowadays though.
I'm with you Poirot. Body misidentified; Jack badly injured and traumatised and in intensive rehab/therapy. Knows who he is, but didn't want to burden Jennifer/Abby. He had the Jade plant sent. After two years of therapy, he is fully recovered and wants to come back home. He tells Jen to kiss his grits, she forgot him too quickly, she can lay with the Scruffy One. He and JJ have to deal with the stuff that happened in the past, and we get to see them interacting as adults. He's the only one on Abby's side when the EJ affair comes out, everyone else is Judgey about it. Meanwhile, he and Nicole, both town pariahs, team up as friends, initially.

But I would only want this if I am the showrunner, because I'd treat Matthew Ashford correctly. :)
I say Jack's death was staged. We never saw a body. All this time he has been on undercover assignment somewhere overseas. He met up with Bo at one point. By the time he gets back to Salem, Jennifer is fed up and already married to Daniel. Maybe even has a miracle Baby McScruffy.

Jack however reconciles with his children and eventually gets together with Nicole. Thus causing more friction in already dysfunctional blended family.
I would LOVE to have Jack back.... I know we never saw the body... he could be mis identified.... I however do not believe the current batch of writers will do a decent job.... just look at John Black.... I really like Matt Ashford (Jack one of many) but I'd hate to have him treated poorly......
I don't want him back right now just to be thrust back into the middle of the Dan/Jen merry-go-round, which is what would almost certainly happen. However, I would say the "death" was a way to go undercover for a big story, a new book, whatever. We never saw a body, I know they used cremation as the excuse but don't people who are cremated typically have the funeral first, with the body present? I'd have the book just appear in the store window, no explanation, and Jack show up out of nowhere soon after.
Oh, people are often cremated without any funeral or even a memorial service. My own father wanted that. So did my brother-in-law. The latter told his daughters he would come back and haunt them if they dared to have a minister say a single word. LOL.
I really never understood why there was no memorial service for Jack. Heck, they did not have to write one, just have people mention they had been to it or something.

I do find it hard to believe that Jack....knowing later what his family went thru with him being prisoner, and them not knowing and thinking he had deserted them all........would willingly let his family think he was dead for so long. While he has always been so insecure with a "they are better off without me" attitude, I just feel amnesia or some excuse like it, would make better sense.
Heck, he could still have amnesia and be undercover, etc.
I'd have the book just appear in the store window, no explanation, and Jack show up out of nowhere soon after.
It's already been in a store window. JJ went ballistic when he saw it.

Barb, I think if Jack is just away, and not dead, it's not because he wants to be gone, or even knows who he is.
I say Jack's death was staged. We never saw a body. All this time he has been on undercover assignment somewhere overseas. He met up with Bo at one point. By the time he gets back to Salem, Jennifer is fed up and already married to Daniel. Maybe even has a miracle Baby McScruffy.

Don't know why, but this tickled my funny bone this morning!
I would love to have Jack back, of course. But, like others, I feel he would not be treated right. Matthew Ashford is a great actor, and frankly, Days just does not know what to do with the vets. Think of John Black. What a slap in the face for his portrayer, Drake Hogestyn. I can only imagine what the writers would do with Jack : bring him back only to have him pine after Jennifer while the shrew looks down on him. No, thanks.

But... if (and that's a big if) TIIC would wake up and bring Jack back and he did have amnesia, let there be absolutely zero sparks with Jennifer. Let her pine after him, but let Jack never look at the shrew again. But let him get to know his children, though. I'd be fine with him never having memories of his past life. Maybe Jack could be somewhat different : a stronger version, more confident, still funny, but in a more subtle way. And while he builds his new life in Salem, let him start over his career as an investigative reporter and hire Nicole as his assistant. Eventually, pair them up and have them deliver some drama, some good suspense and great investigations, and some intelligent comic relief. Now that, I would never FF.