Here we go again with stupid Paige

Next thing you know she's gonna start harping about Harper.
Wait until she finds out about Harper being the Riverfront Knifer; how Harper killed Mickey and Maggie's foster daughter, Janice Barnes; how Harper attacked Paige's own mother, Eve; or about Duke Johnson and how he abused his family; how JJ's Aunt Adrienne killed Duke after he raped her; and how JJ's Grandma Jo killed Nick Corelli, the love of her mother's life.

Paige has a lot of cans of worms to open with the Deveraux/Johnson clan!!
Well said, SarahBeth.

I do think that because JJ has had a problem with drugs in the past, it's reasonable to be concerned about him drinking now (especially if he's doing it to calm his nerves.) However, the way Paige went about it was entirely wrong and stupid. Blasting him for drinking when he didn't even seem drunk helped nothing and got everything off on the wrong foot. Plus, 30 seconds earlier Paige had concluded that Bev probably was the one who set up JJ and Jill in the first place, but because he had half a beer at Daniel's, that means he's been lying about everything in the universe, is no good and has probably been doing drugs and having sex with girls behind Paige's back? :beat::beat::beat:

(There seem to be a lot of people with this jumping to ridiculous conclusions syndrome passing through Daniel's apartment lately; I hope it's not contagious because I don't want to see Daniel catch it too.)

And I agree too, JJ was under no obligation whatsoever to tell Paige about Jack and Kayla. Even so, she had put together the fact that JJ's weird behavior was based on knowing this truth about his father. If she wanted to be supportive she could have said, "I found out about your dad and your aunt, and I just want you to know it doesn't change how I feel about you." Instead she decided to be mini-Jen and accuse JJ of all sorts of things. And if she thinks JJ will jump at any girl that's not her, that's a problem with HER self-esteem and the only one who can fix it is her.
I seriously wanted to choke her yesterday. JJ can't do anything with his life until he asks her first? Really?? So he had a little fun and didn't do anything wrong and I was glad he said he didn't understand what he did wrong. It's true he never lied to her & no way did he have to tell her about what his Dad did. It is none of her business...JJ, don't grovel to Paige, just let her go and live your life.
I Have to agree!! i don't understand why its Paige's business what happened between Jack & Kayla? and then she throws a fit cause JJ had a drink?? are you kidding me? If I was him I would tell her to go scratch. She doesn't believe in having fun and to constantly have to explain your every move to your partner is annoying and ridiculous!
I seriously wanted to choke her yesterday. JJ can't do anything with his life until he asks her first?
Apparently in Paige's perfect world, JJ should wear blinders so he won't see girls to either the left or right. He also should wear a sign around his neck that says: "Sorry, girls, but my girlfriend insists that I don't speak to any member of the opposite sex under the age of 30." As for her problems with what Jack did before she and JJ were born, she might like to ask Caroline if she'd ever heard stories about Great-grandfather Deveraux frequenting speakeasies to drink bootleg hootch and scope out flappers in short skirts.

raccoon coat.gif

Great-grandpa Deveraux and friends.