Here we go again with stupid Paige

I think JJ should be offended that Paige wants him to be her "first" and not in a relationship with him that says "I want to be with you in every way". It's like she is now making JJ her conquest instead of them sharing themselves with one another.
I think JJ and Paige are cute together, but the writers really need to figure out what Paige's character and stick with it. They have JJ's character fairly solid and steady, but Paige is the weak link. I think this 180 about sex has come about by insecurity over JJ and Jill, but there was been little shown on-screen to explain Paige's change of heart. I believe this is her first real boyfriend, so I'm willing to accept a bit of relationship immaturity from her. But it's hit the point of unbelievability.

I think JJ has connected Jack's past with his own fears that he may end up raping Paige, based on his dubious history with girls and his having not heard Paige when she asked him to stop once. So he feels he needs to tell her all of it so she understands why he doesn't want to have sex.

This is what connects the past to the present. I think JJ really needs to be able to talk to someone (no, not Paige) who will reassure him that he is not his father, that the situation with Jack and Kayla was more complex and ultimately not about sex (and that rape is not about sex, but power and control), and that there is nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive as long as he and his partner are responsible in their actions and considerate of each other. The only reason Paige would need to know about Jack/Kayla is because JJ is connecting it all in his mind and it would be to reassure her that their relationship is strong but that he has some issues to work through before they have sex.
I completely agree, Rockford. I think that Daniel explaining to him that Jack had worked hard on himself and changed, and that rape has nothing to do with genetics, was a good start, but I also think JJ needs to talk to someone who knows the whole story. Kayla would be the best one to talk to him about it but he doesn't want to upset her by bringing up the rape. I think that's why he doesn't want to talk to anyone in his family, actually. It's at times like this that I wish people in Salem believed in counseling. Daniel has been really good for JJ but a counselor, even without knowing the specifics, could help him understand and work through some of this. Too bad Marlena is never seen working anymore.
Do you think it ever occurred to the writers to have him try to contact his Uncle Steve? I haven't hated the Daniel/JJ scenes as much as I thought I would, but getting Steve's perspective on the Jack/Kayla situation might be a way for him to deal with it (since Daniel didn't exist back then) in addition to Daniel's advice.

And no, I'm not expecting Steve screentime - just a dang mention is all. :)
Ugh she was just awful today. Yes, JJ shouldn't have been drinking, but Haggifer Junior just learned how her not ever listening to JJ or letting him explain caused damage to their relationship. Now she's going to do the same thing? I was actually cheering for Bev when she showed the pictures to this heifer!
Oh good grief, the stupidity. They are college freshman. Going to parties and drinking comes with the territory. If she is going to get her nose out of joint any time a girl says hello to him then he needs to dump her pronto.

Then there's the issue of Jack and Kayla. Paige conveniently left out that fact that she found out because she was being a nosy eavesdropper AGAIN. And the lamest thing she could come up with is "I wanted to be there for you". What young man his age has any want or need to discuss the fact that his father raped his aunt 20 damn years ago.

The little "Whoa Is Me, Eeyore Snot" doesn't just want every detail of his life. She seems to feel that she is owed all knowledge of the Deveraux/Horton clan. Next thing you know she's gonna start harping about Harper.

Stupid snotty little twit.