SPOILER !! Daytime Confidential reports actress leaving

There seems to be a direct correlation between actors in continuous frontburner stories and them leaving the show for greener pastures. In my opinion, it comes back to the balance issue several of us have already discussed. There needs to be more than one "A" story running at once. It keeps viewers interested and doesn't overwork specific actors.
I agree with you completely but I think at this moment they are actually doing that. They have the DID and Theresa returning storyline. They also have Steve's eyesight, Sonny and Leo, Kate killing Vivian, Will and Rolf's diary, Chloe and Mateo, etc. While I think there still needs to be a lot more improvements, I believe the show has improved significantly since last year.
It makes me wonder if her quitting was planned for a while or if it was all of a sudden (hence the temporary replacement with Kate Mansi). I remember the actress who plays Jennifer left suddenly right in the middle of the Aremid storyline in 1995 or 1996 when she was to marry Peter Blake (Kristen’s brother).

The actress that took her place, Stephanie Cameron, was pretty but her acting was very bland.
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There are different stories, but only ONE "A" story. Soaps usually have a, b, c stories, and sometimes a b or c moves up to A, cut currently, the only A story is DID. the rest take their turn for once a week featuring. As to Theresa returning........that is not an A story. Just that something had to occur to disrupt Brady's marriage plans, as usually does, so.........this is it. She is not back long term, so while she may take up screen time.......to me....well. I have yet to forgive Brady for blackmailing Nicole out of town, would rather she went back to Canada and ran that hardware store. LOL

Maybe Theresa will have to go into witness protection???
@tennisdocc............I have wondered, too. It was common knowledge for some time when Ari Zucker (Nicole) was going to leave, same for Ali Sweeney (Sami), Jen Lilley (Theresa). Then again, with them filming so far in advance, who knows. I thought I had read we would see present Abby til Sept. But have read Kate Mansi (replacement Abby) will be seen this summer? Guess we find out more as time goes by.
There are different stories, but only ONE "A" story. Soaps usually have a, b, c stories, and sometimes a b or c moves up to A, cut currently, the only A story is DID. the rest take their turn for once a week featuring. As to Theresa returning........that is not an A story. Just that something had to occur to disrupt Brady's marriage plans, as usually does, so.........this is it. She is not back long term, so while she may take up screen time.......to me....well. I have yet to forgive Brady for blackmailing Nicole out of town, would rather she went back to Canada and ran that hardware store. LOL

Maybe Theresa will have to go into witness protection???

So do we know if Jen Lilley (Theresa) has finished filming? Or how long she filmed for rather?

added last name and character name; please remember not everyone knows the actors' real names - JS
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That has not been said, but the actress indicated in an interview with SOD. she would like to come in arcs, as Eileen Davidson (Kristen) does.
@tennisdocc............I have wondered, too. It was common knowledge for some time when Ari Zucker (Nicole) was going to leave, same for Ali Sweeney (Sami), Jen Lilley (Theresa). Then again, with them filming so far in advance, who knows. I thought I had read we would see present Abby til Sept. But have read Kate Mansi (replacement Abby) will be seen this summer? Guess we find out more as time goes by.

Marci Miller (Abby) was still on set last week. Her contract ends some time this month so I'm guessing Kate Mansi (Abby) may start taping in June if story is continuous.

So do we know if Jen Lilley (Theresa) has finished filming? Or how long she filmed for rather?

added last name and character name; please remember not everyone knows the actors' real names - JS

I haven't seen any social media evidence of her still being on set however, I did read her SOD interview a couple weeks ago and she did say she agreed to come back because the show was willing to work with her schedule. They wanted her on contract and she wanted recurring. She also mentioned that they auditioned other actresses to recast but ended up working with her schedule. My guess is if she is done taping, it may not be permanent.