Bring back Matt Cedeno/Brandon

I don't think Rafe can light any fire....It's just not in him.....What other scenario could bring this guy TO LIFE???????:confused: ShaSha
I have to agree with ShaSha on this one..........Rafe just doesn't have it in him to "light fires". At least not for me.
What Poirot said--Rafe hasn't it any fires since his breakup with Sami because the writing was terrible. He and Sami obviously never should've broken up. But besides that, he was having sex with Kate, was comatose for months on end, then had a boring relationship with Jordan that went nowhere and ended because he acted out of character by cheating with Kate, and now he wanders around the Square getting mad that she is moving on with Chad...ALL of this is out of character for him! He'd be much better if paired with Nicole, or heck, bring back Sheryl for him! That could work as well.
And it was the writers who caused folks to think of him as boring, being they just kept him in that coma for so long, then rehab forever, and finally in a snooze worthy relationship with Jordan, who had absolutely nothing going for her storywise since she arrived. It is not the actor or is the writers, once again.
My problem with the Rafe character really has nothing to do with the writers or storylines. He is just very dull to me.
Days right now needs some very strong 30 something women, there is a shortage.

I was thinking the same thing earlier this week. It's a perfect reason to bring back Carrie and/or Belle. Even though both are happily married, that generation needs a Salem family tie as well as someone to center newer characters around.
And they can put Carrie with Rafe!!:love:

I know very few people liked them together, but I thought they had amazing chemistry and it would certainly give Rafe something better to do than mope about Jordan in the park.
After thinking about it, I really didn't like the way he portrayed Luis when he was on Passions. I think Galen Gering is probably a really nice guy and a good actor and a nice looking fellow, but he should not have a role as a tough guy or police officer. Maybe as a doctor (not like Dr Dan of course) or priest (not like Eric of course). Ok- I guess I don't know what he should be. lololol
@JS........Oh, my gosh, that description of Rafe with Carrie was absolutely PERFECT! I am still laughing. See, I really liked Rafe as the FBI agent assigned to keep an eye on Samantha Brady in the safe house. He was ahead of her on every trick she tried to pull, was smart, caring, nearly getting killed in the process. He kept her secret (her pregnancy). He gave up being an FBI agent for her, became a cop, but writers for Days just do not know how to write "cops". We have seen it with them all....Roman, Bo, Abe, Hope, Rafe, even the uniforms who we see for 10 or 20 seconds in a scene. So, all the Salem PD does really, is wander around the town square, jabber with friends or family at the Pub, or the Club, even the hospital. I have never seen as many people turn up for NO REASON at a hospital as the Salemites. LOL