Bring back Matt Cedeno/Brandon


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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I think it is time to bring back Brandon/Matt Cedeno. The time is right for this fabulous character to make an entrance. The hospital needs him and so do we. Brandon would fit right in the mix of the love connections and create many good storylines as well. What do you think???? Can one of you put up a recent photo of him???? Please!!!! :) ShaSha
Not one of my favorite characters at all. In fact, I did not care at all for the character, storylines he was in back then, or any of it. Just another character that had to get tied via bloodlines to a Salemite. In fact a couple of them.
I really laughed at an interview with Judi Evans who plays Adrienne, who said she wished other of her family could come to Salem, especially the they were adopted and have "clean blood". LOL, meaning they were not connected by blood to ANY Salem family.
ShaSha, I never loved nor hated the character (pegged him as Abe's son 3 seconds into his first appearance though). But I wouldn't trust these writers to bring him back. They can't even write for their own characters, I say, leave everyone else alone!!! LOL

Now, if these writers were canned and new ones hired, I'd be interested in his returning, if for no other reason than to give Abe and Nicole some more screen time/story.
Brandon being Abe's son was obvious from the get-go. I wasn't even a teenager when that was going on and saw it coming from a mile away.

The only reason I would be okay with bringing him back is for Nicole to have her brother around. She has no family in Salem (and hasn't for most of her time on the show, but anyway), it would be a nice change maybe. I couldn't care less about him buzzing around the hospital, there's enough of that already with half of Salem working there and someone always being in a coma or shot so the other half has an excuse to visit.
ShaSha, I wouldn't mind if they brought Brandon Walker back with a good storyline, might be nice for Theo to have his big brother around too.

I'd like him to come back so that Abe and Nicole have more screen time and someone to interact with. I think it'd be also great if he came back when Sami returns (if she does, but I think she will probably) and they can be paired together, at least for some time. But I wasn't watching when he was on, so I'm not sure how I'd like him.
I guess it depends. Did not like him when he was on before, as I said. I don't think Nicole having a brother around would mean much, it did not before, it would not again. Just like Jordan. Doesn't mean a thing to have a brother around. I never understood why Sami even had a relationship with Brandon, let alone wanting to be married.

And if Sami ever came back, and was to get together with had better be Lucas......or Rafe.
I too, would love to see Matt Cedeno/Brandon Walker come back to Salem!!!! I did like the character, and he is a total cutie pie in my opinion. I also believe it would be good for Nicole to have some family in Salem!
I wouldn't mind Brandon coming back but I agree that he and Sami were wrong for each other. For all the fans who think Rafe "changed" Sami, I challenge you to go watch some old footage of Sami and Brandon. Or rather Samantha and Brandon. I think Sami belongs with Rafe romantically with Lucas as her best friend. I loved Sami and Lucas until Rafe came along.

I could have actually bought into Brandon with Jordan though.
Interesting thoughts and would love the idea of Nicole having her brother around. Brandon would absolutely in my mind bring some much needed interest in Salem. ShaSha
Heck, they cannot find anything for Rafe, Lucas, John , Eric, or even Brady to do. I don't think Days needs another jobless character who wanders the town square, saying hello to characters here and there, while wearing summer clothes in mid-winter.