3, 2, 1, Kaboom!!

On Chandler Massey (former Will) the grinning got much more pronounced during the coming out story. I still don't believe he was that comfortable with the material. When he was hired, his character was a typical teenage guy who was happily dating girls. As a young actor establishing himself the last thing they want to do is have an issue with a role that centers around a controversial subject and get blacklisted. We see it with politics all the time. I just hope that he is successful no matter what he believes.

And for something even more controversial... Anyone who's been here long enough has seen my posts and thoughts on the coming out story. I always felt it was tainted as I thought that Sonny was trying to drag Will out of the closet. Well before Sonny admitted he was interested in Will I commented on to me it seemed like Sonny was too excited about it looking as if he was hoping for it as the camera would cut to just him after his talks with Will and he would just beam about it. Many disagreed with me. Then Sonny finally admits it. Yeah just as I thought.

Now with the story of Paul it just cements those observations. Sonny began a secret relationship with Paul. Paul was in the closet. It progressed to the point that Sonny proposed. Paul said he couldn't marry him because he would have to come out and it would ruin his career and he was afraid of how his family would feel.

So Sonny, it seems, refused to be in an in the closet relationship ever again. When he saw Will being confused he was right there to help but it wasn't just because he was the helping type. It was because he was interested and had been burned by the closet. If Sonny was just being a good guy I would have accepted him as a good guy.

But since Will came out Sonny has bent over backwards to be a good guy putting up Will, his baby mama and his baby. He accepted that child as if she was his own. He has covered up Will's lies and wrong doings with the whole Nick fiasco. And now he has learned that just because one is out of the closet doesn't mean they won't turn out to be a complete *bleep*.

The roles have reversed. Sonny has become the good guy and Will is the jerk. I hope Sonny remembers that NOW!!!!
Interesting take on the situation in re: Sonny. I don't agree, but everyone has their own opinion.
We really don't know HOW the romance between Paul & Sonny began, only that Sonny followed him to be with him when the team had out of town games, and it went on for a year. I don't blame Sonny for not wanting to be the secret lover, unable to go anywhere in public together, etc.
I like Sonny, and think Freddie Smith does a wonderful job portraying him. As far as Will goes, he had to realize himself what his sexual orientation was. He really did not not understand his own feelings. Others recognized it, but he himself apparently did not. Eventually he did. No one "made" him do anything, say anything, that he had not figured out to do or say himself. It just took him time.
What I don't get is why Sonny would propose to a secret lover before talking about the future and knowing whether there was a chance of Paul coming out or not. I mean after a year of secrecy how was he supposed to expect that anything was going to change that?

And I am amazed that none of the players caught on since they stay in the same hotels and have lots of meals together. My guess is that his closest teammates did know and didn't push that conversation because they knew he was trying to keep some of his private life private.

And yes, Will had to figure things out for himself. But having Sonny just hoping for it and subsequently eagerly encouraging Will meant that he wasn't helping Will for selfless reasons. I think it's interesting that Sonny turns out to be the good guy after all of that.

Let me add... I don't at all blame Sonny for not wanting to hide.
If we go by what the story has been, that was just wishful thinking on Sonny's part. Paul was hiding and that's the way it was. Sonny's proposal was completely unplanned so I can only guess that was Sonny's way of testing the out of the closet waters. Paul had spent a year with him showing him in his deeds that coming out was not only not gonna happen but wasn't even a consideration.
... Well before Sonny admitted he was interested in Will I commented on to me it seemed like Sonny was too excited about it looking as if he was hoping for it as the camera would cut to just him after his talks with Will and he would just beam about it. Many disagreed with me. Then Sonny finally admits it. Yeah just as I thought....

See I still don't believe it, because that would also mean that EJ and Sami were each others' true loves. The same writers who sold the "Get Will Horton to fall in love with me" New Year's BS also were lock, stock, and barrel for EJ/Sami. Now I know as fans of the show we're just supposed to watch whatever's presented mindlessly, not recalling what happened even five minutes ago (hence the non-stop flashbacks), but I never bought EJ/Sami and I absolutely refuse to believe Sonny "dragged" Will out of the closet just because these hacks wrote it that way ex post facto.

You are definitely entitled to your opinion SB but using what the current writers wrote to explain what you were feeling at the time of a previous writing regime just doesn't track.
Oh Jason, even if the current story wasn't what it is, it hasn't changed what I thought about the original story. I felt that way without the Paul stuff. I just think it gives even more credence to what I thought. I also don't believe Will was dragged out of the closet. But I do believe Sonny was too eager to help because he had feelings for Will and not just because he was helping a guy sort himself out regardless of the current story. It just turns out that Will takes the crown in the selfish pageant.
I know you felt that way before, I'm just saying that using the current writers' stories/plots to "add additional credence" to your past feelings is a lot like the fans of EJ/Sami using what these same writers wrote for their couple to justify their feelings that EJ/Sami "always belonged" together (which that fanbase had been pushing for 5+ years)...right or wrong.

As to Sonny's motivation, we'll have to agree to disagree, but I've been in Sonny's shoes before, and the motive is not usually romantic, moreso a desire to mentor/help someone through something tough you once went through. That is how those writers portrayed it, and how I saw it then, and now on re-watch.

At least we can agree on Will, or as I call him, Sami 1.7, LOL. :wink:

I also have trouble believing that Sonny proposed to someone else and never told Will. That's not the guy we've seen for the past 3 years. But then again I should stop remembering things, that's not how these writers write.

And I really hope this amnesia junk clears up quickly, but we'll have to wait a bit, it seems. :angry:
Speaking of remembering things. The Sami/EJ fans who tried to justify their "feelings" still have to contend with the rape, lies, manipulations, kidnappings and faking of children's deaths in the "EJ loves Sami story". That doesn't at all compare with Sonny being eager hoping for Will to come out because Will had to do that himself. And that is all the history they had with one another. For me the Sami/EJ story is a non issue in this story. Too bad we can't unremember that disgusting story.

Since then Sonny has been great to Will. So there is just no comparison for me. I think we can also agree on that.