3, 2, 1, Kaboom!!

IF I was a gay man...I'd be more attracted to the Bellhop. Sorry y'all, I think Paul is - BLAH. Don't get me started on the new Will. I always thought Chandler Massey was a cutie, and fit the part of Will more than any one else has.

I feel bad for Sonny. He's one of the only people on the show who could be called "good" still. I hope he kicks both Will and Paul out of his life. I'm also thinking poor Sonny might have that touch of amnesia when he wakes up. You know that whole scenario as well as I do, comatose patient forgets everything he or she knew RIGHT BEFORE the accident/injury.
And I could not stand the old Will. Goes to show...

Mostly, the dislike was because of his terrible habit of smiling or grinning during serious dialogue. I don't care what he thought of his lines, or whatever reason he had for the grins, but he was an actor portraying a solemn scene. And gave the impression it was all one big joke to him.
LOL...Well, I think it is hard for a male actor to actually cry. Heck, Sami used to always screw up her face, etc. Jennifer does the same. But some do a good job of being sad or crying, like Nicole.
But I do think male actors can show sad emotions via facial expressions.
And has been noted, there are 15-20 people surrounding the actors during a scene, so I give them credit. (Maybe this Will was informed about how old Will was always grinning when supposed to be serious, so tries very hard not to do that?? LOL
@daysdg....yes, he did. but it was rare. The grins and smiles were much, much more frequent, which is why one remembers them so well.
Well, it does seem that Days hired new Will entirely too fast. And this is strictly MY thoughts...I think when Chandler Massey told the press, after his Emmy win that night, that he wanted to go back to college and would be leaving Days, that was the first the suits at Days heard of it, and they got really ticked. So Chandler was gone the minute they could let him go (not sure of end of contract, or the 13 week cycle) and they just hired the lst blond guy they could. There was no casting call, etc. It is like they did back a few years for the role of Jennifer. Instead of getting a sub for a week or two, while they did casting calls, they just immediately signed on the first person suggested who was available.
And of course, then it is too late. They cannot recast again, with such huge story, cannot write the character out.
To tell the truth, I thought maybe that was the intention when Will went to L.A. with his mom.

Right now, I think Guy Wilson is doing a decent job. I just picture the previous actor grinning and smiling while praying in the chapel, being comforted by Victor, even his talks with Paul prior to Paul agreeing to admit he is gay.
But the fact is that with 5 months of filming before showing gives TPTB plenty of time to hire at leisure...no matter how little advance warning anyone gives them. If Alison Sweeney/Sami for example just decided to leave this past Friday February 7th, we wouldn't see a vacant spot until July!! So, all they would need to do is fix a few shows between her leaving and someone else coming in, even if it was with someone to fill in for a time.
I meant they could have gotten a temp replacement for a few shows, while they hunted. But they grab at straws at times.
But they immediately announced the replacement actor.....and I think they felt they had to stick with it. Who knows? Maybe Will is going to be off to CA again? We don't know what is planned for this Paul/Sonny/Will thing.....
...Right now, I think Guy Wilson is doing a decent job. I just picture the previous actor grinning and smiling while praying in the chapel, being comforted by Victor, even his talks with Paul prior to Paul agreeing to admit he is gay.

I definitely think Guy Wilson (Will) is doing okay but the writers are writing Will completely differently than they were for Chandler Massey (ex-Will). Guy Wilson (current Will) initially won me over during one of the first Will/Sonny scenes he played; if I didn't know better, I'd have sworn the actors were in love that first scene!!

Re: The Grinning...MOST of the time, I think that was method; it really seemed to me that that was Chandler's Will's way of breaking the tension of a serious situation. (Don't we all have that one friend that has that goofy grin or tells the off-colour joke during a serious time?) He added that into the character when he played Will, through the process of Will's coming out. (The grinning gets really much more frequent after Will comes out.) Just my take on it.

Poirot, I agree there should have been a longer lag between the recasts...but that would require that the writers write, LOL.
JasonD, I agree. And as for the grinning, I do that at times, regarding the scenario you mentioned, so maybe that's why I don't have as much of an issue with it. But there are times I'm quite serious, and there were also times when Chandler Massey (former Will) didn't grin during serious scenes.
I hope so.

SarahBeth, I'm not sure if Victor heard it. It's entirely possible but I'd say unlikely - but who knows if tomorrow's open will be the same as today's close? :)

I am so glad today's opening edited out Will's screaming out Sonny's name. Yesterday Will's screaming sounded like an angry scream and not a terrified he was dying scream. I also think Sonny was reacting to seeing his betrayer and not just a reaction to the transfusion.
I thought the grinning was great with Chandler Massey (ex Will). I saw it as adding like a snarky sarcasm like a b-word way in a serious scene. Which in some cases when you are arguing with somebody, that sort of snark does come out and laugh kind of like "really are you serious" sort of look.
I am so glad today's opening edited out Will's screaming out Sonny's name. Yesterday Will's screaming sounded like an angry scream and not a terrified he was dying scream. I also think Sonny was reacting to seeing his betrayer and not just a reaction to the transfusion.
I agree SarahBeth. I think Sonny reacted to seeing Will again today. I hope Sonny kicks him to the curb!!