That was the most beautiful wedding!

I'd rather have seen a montage of those pictures in lieu of the Sami/Adrienne toast and Theresa/Ciara scene.

Anyway, this is the best wedding Days has done in years. Caroline's speech, the vows, Lucas and Justin's speeches... Flawless.

They've come a long, long way with this story and after seeing my best friend come out and knowing what he went through, I have to say, this story with Will has been quite accurate. I'm very happy with the way Days has handled it and incorporated so many characters.
As others have mentioned, I loved this wedding. It is the first wedding in a long time that Days has done well, and is very reminiscent of the weddings that soaps used to do. Gay or not, Days needs to have some of their weddings like this one was, just two people in love with one another that want to spend the rest of their lives together with no lies or deceit between the two of them leading up to the wedding, and no reveals which would have led to a non-wedding. Well done, Days.
When Will referenced the scrapbook of those who brought them to this day, I was expecting photos of people known for standing up against discrimination...such as Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Betty Friedan, Susan B. Anthony, Elton John, Harvey Milk and many, many more! Family members could have been a part of those who inspired strength, love, acceptance and courage.
I think it was the best wedding DAYS has done in as many years that I have watched the show. I loved how it was all done carefully and had the emotion and humor all perfectly placed. I saw nothing PSA about it. Nothing cheesy. I didn't see no rainbow flags, overly out and proud gay friends, male go-go dancers, unicorns or glitter LOL. It was really all about Will and Sonny sharing one of the most special moments in their lives with the love and support of the people closest to them, that being their family and close friends.
I think that was one of my favorite parts. I think Lucas and Will have come full circle. Not only for the way Lucas acted after the couple got together but for everything in Will's life that he felt was a fault of his parents. Will was holding a lot in and it weighed him down. Chandler Massey protrayed that very well. But now i think the writers (only my opinion), know that in order for Will to grow he must get past his childhood troubles and really embrace this new chapter in his life. Even in his vow he mentioned wanting to escape. He once said that he was used to keeping a bag packed because he moved so much as a child, when he found Sonny he was truly able to say he found his home. So in essence this scene with Lucas and his vowels brought some highly needed closure to all of that. I just hope Days continues down this road and not everything that happens goes back to the way Will was raised. When Lucas embraced Will and they both cried, i bawled like a baby. The significance of that one moment said so much. :)
It's no secret here that I adore the relationship between Will and Sonny. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and one of the best done on DAYS in many years. You have to appreciate the role family members played in their ceremony. Marlena, who was Will's biggest champion and confidante during his coming out, officated. Justin who was the first person to realize Sonny had feelings for Will and who has been supportive of Will and Sonny's relationship from day 1, speaking. Lucas, who was slower to accept who his son was, and in his own way tried to undermine the relationship, speaking about his confusion and his love for his Will. Caroline, who has lived a long life and seen many things, speaking of being thankful that Will and Sonny don't have to hide their love for each other and wishing them a lifetime of happiness. And then you had Sami and Adrienne, who love their sons more than life and have just a bit of competitive rivalry between them, toasting their sons TOGETHER.

The reaction that stood out to me most during the ceremony as Adrienne. She fought Sonny from the very beginning on starting a relationship with Will because of family history. Her tears, her emotion, were so genuine as she'd finally realized before the wedding that Will loves her son and her son is happy. Judi Evans (Adrienne) was stellar in those scenes during the ceremony.

I've loved Will and Sonny's journey because they weren't rushed to alter like so many couples on soaps are. We've seen them overcome a breakup, Will's insecurities, and the never-ending drama involving Gabi and Nick. This wedding was as special to me as any and will be locked away in my DVD collection,
I had no problem with the wedding, once it finally happened, they dragged it out way too long, the part with EJ going to Chicago to meet with that wack job, was silly, to be nice.

It is rare to have a Days wedding to go that smoothly, once the ceremony started.

As for being the first gay wedding on Days, yes, but it won't increase the ratings at all, I doubt.
I didn't see no rainbow flags, overly out and proud gay friends, male go-go dancers, unicorns or glitter LOL. It was really all about Will and Sonny sharing one of the most special moments in their lives with the love and support of the people closest to them, that being their family and close friends.

It was a wedding like any other.
Personally I enjoyed Ciara & Jeannie Theresa's scenes; I also liked Sami and Adrienne trying to out-toast each other. The only bone I'll pick with the whole thing was not knowing where Sonny's brothers were. Heck, they could have been off-screen but present for crying out loud.
Ok.... can someone tell me what PSA means? I don't know what a lot of acronyms are so I tried to google it, but unless I totally missed something, then I'm sure that no one here is referring to "prostate-specific antigen".

I thought it was a beautiful wedding and Caroline's speech made me cry.