That was the most beautiful wedding!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Upstate, NY
The vows were lovely, Sonny and Will looked great and were very convincing. Everyone was all dressed up - no one ruined the ceremony. All the speeches were nicely said - the family connection was very believable. Loved the end when the balloons dropped and everyone clapped and hollered. For me, the only stupid & unnecessary part was Adrienne and Sami trying to outdo one another at the toast. Kudos to Justin and EJ for jumping in putting an end to that. It was nice to see an uniterrupted wedding for a change and two characters (Sonny and Will) truly love one another.
I don't have a problem with gay each his own. But I am old school, I guess, when I say I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Just my humble opinion. :)
I have to disagree on the wedding. Here's what I posted in the crystal ball a few days before the wedding-I am past tired of the wedding. Tired of the PSA's for the "gay wedding" as well as the need to clarify it as a gay wedding by those who know Will and Sonny are gay. And we the audience know the characters are gay so we dont need it explained over and over. All of us here have commented several times about the wedding and that's just what we have called it... a wedding. Remember the green wedding........ ugh
The PSA ran throughout the wedding. I can't stand the PSA's. The only thing I enjoyed was seeing the hair and dresses. Then there was Arianna pulling the crap out of Adrienne's earring. You could see the real pain the actress was in. YOUCH! I remember reminding people that they had irresistible earrings on when my kids were babies.
I think all mentions of the "first gay wedding" were meant to draw attention to the historic nature of the wedding, not to try to change personal attitudes or sway opinions. It was the first time in soap opera history that a male couple wedded on a soap. The historic nature of the wedding has been the focal point in the many soap articles I've read this week. And let's face it, if you weren't a fan of this pairing, for whatever reason, a wedding wasn't going to change your mind about them and I'm sure TPTB were fully aware of this.
I thought other soaps have had same-sex weddings? Or were they just female/female weddings?
All My Children had a female wedding. And As the World Turns had a male couple wed but it wasn't "legally" recognized, I think! That is why Sonny & Will's marriage received as much press as it did in Soap Magazines, LGBT magazines, and other media outlets. It was the first legal marriage between 2 males in daytime.

ETA: Corrected soap name. It was ATWT not OLTL that had the male couple.
I said this in the summary for 4/3, and will repeat myself. The wedding was lovely, heartfelt, just fantastic. The speeches, the humor, the love, the happy faces, and the tears, even from the guests, let alone the viewers watering up at home. The actors portraying the grooms did a wonderful job. Whether it was their own speeches, or reacting to others'. I loved Caroline's speech, her ending was sooo loving........wishing them laughter all their lives, and the ability to finish each other's sentences. :clap: Good job, Days, cast, writers, Directors!

(P.S. you could have left out the Sami/Adrienne toasting bit, was uncalled for, plus Ciara's inquiry about Theresa's purse and wanting to know how to get boys to give her things....tacky!)
I agree about the scene with Theresa and Ciara; it was so unnecessary.

Theresa is actually very sweet when she's in scenes with the children; they have her get along with the little ones very well. I wish Ciara would've just told Theresa her purse was pretty and she wished she could have one like it when she was grown up or something along those lines.
@cryin-my comments are about what is on screen only. Tptb went overboard on their PSA. The audience gets that the couple is gay and with Days history we expect occasional PSA's. But this PSA was almost constant. It doesn't matter what the topic is when it takes overthe way it did it can have a negative effect. And for me it did.
I agree about the scene with Theresa and Ciara; it was so unnecessary.

Theresa is actually very sweet when she's in scenes with the children; they have her get along with the little ones very well. I wish Ciara would've just told Theresa her purse was pretty and she wished she could have one like it when she was grown up or something along those lines.

I agree. I think that because the kids haven't been told Theresa's issues they treat her well. The adults however were so rotten to Theresa when she came to town that they cemented her reasoning (although very flawwed) in shutting them out and made it worse when they let Jen talk to her the way she did after the overdose. Hope needs to lookout because her little angel is on the path to becoming just like Theresa for the very same reasons theresa is the way she is.
Frankly, the part I found the brought the most tears to me was Caroline Brady. When she didn't respond at first, I felt the empathy from the other characters. They have had the progression of Alzheimer's going very realistically in my opinion. I caught on, as did many of the wedding guests, very quickly to where she was headed with her speech. I thought this part of the wedding to be exceptionally touching in more than one way.
I missed the vows because it was interrupted (like it is now) due to the shooting at Fort Hood so I'll have to watch it online.
It's easy to throw stones about how often Days writers acknowledged that this was a gay wedding, but I don't think it's really all that unrealistic. Most of us are in a very lucky position of privilege. We don't have to experience guilt, shame, and persecution for a very integral part of us being judged in the eyes of others. We simply can't, and never will, understand or relate to the experience of fighting a battle like this. These weddings are not just weddings, but they are victories for the couple, their families, and other people out in the world who are hoping to one day get that opportunity, too. Not everyone in our country yet has this freedom, so every time it happens it's still important. The more resistance couples like Will and Sonny are met with, the more important these victories are.

Seeing Will and Sonny's family give those heartfelt speeches was beautiful, but I think they were also very necessary. Especially in Will's case, there were recent conflicts due solely to his sexuality that needed some final closure. His experience of coming out was very recent, and while in the end amends were made, the rejection and hesitation from his friends family could understandably be a lasting pain. Hearing the affirmations from everyone was something I appreciated hearing as a viewer, because it acknowledged the hurtful initial response from people in Will and Sonny's lives. It was realistic, and it was also the best gift they could have given to Will and Sonny on their wedding day.

I've found this whole story very interesting, and reading fan reactions as it progressed has also been quite the experience. The writers have seemed to take great care in making Will and Sonny as perfect as a soap couple could be. Things like dishonesty, infidelity, selfishness, abusiveness, dominance, and manipulation that we've all bemoaned in other couples on Days have been all but avoided with these two. They've made them almost unbashable, and yet they get a colder reaction in some circles than rapists and serial cheaters. I suppose when there's a will, though, there is a way. I swear, there was no pun intended there.
One thing bothered me...Sonny made a special point of mentioning the mementos that Abby & JJ had helped them get, and wanting everyone to see them, etc. And there was that whole curious thing from Jen about whatever was in the box, etc.
And yet, WE never got to see all that was in it. I wonder why???
As the World Turns had a pairing of Luke and Noah but they never wed. However, it was the first kiss by two gay men on day time TV. Luke and Noah split up and Luke got involved with a male doctor but died in a train/car crash and his heart was transplanted into Chris Hughes (the actor now plays Aiden) just before ATWT went off the air.

I too thought the wedding was very nicely done.
One thing bothered me...Sonny made a special point of mentioning the mementos that Abby & JJ had helped them get, and wanting everyone to see them, etc. And there was that whole curious thing from Jen about whatever was in the box, etc.
And yet, WE never got to see all that was in it. I wonder why???
I thought Sonny and Will said the boxes were filled with family pictures and they told everyone to look through the pictures and enjoy seeing all of the family members through the years (or something to that effect).
I thought the wedding was wonderful! It was romantic, heartfelt and really showcased the two actors. It showed more of what soaps really used to show more of, the family connections and relationships. It was wonderful to see Will and Sonny acknowledge and thank their family, for their parents and grandparents to show their love and appreciation, for extended family to interact. Even that scene with Theresa and Ciara was familial and did fit with both of their personalities.

As far as PSA, not all audience members are going to know about the characters. I actually saw a friend on Facebook ( a mom of some kids I grew up with) who happened to be home from work and was channel-surfing and landed on Days. She commented on Facebook about the wedding and how she didn't realize that Sami's son was gay as she hadn't seen the show in years. If they really wanted to go PSA, they could have showcased real people in those mysterious pictures we didn't get to see, a history or timeline of real events in the quest for marriage equality.