Worst Days couple ever?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
On Twitter someone was asking about worst couple ever on any soap.

For me, by one million light years, it will forever be the ill-fated pairing of Shane and Kayla on our show. (This picture is not from the time they were paired, it's much, much more recent.)


Some couples are bad because of things that went on between them that should have precluded romance (Sami/EJ); some because they were in real life couples forced together (Daniel/Nicole); some because their story made no sense (Chad/Melanie) or ruined history (Brady/Melanie).

But the worst of the worst for me are couples like Ray & Jenna on Dallas. They're just tossed together because they both happen to still be on the show. To me, that was the reasoning behind Kayla/Shane.

Take two folks still wanting to work the show and slap them together. Thankfully, this wasn't in the era of 7-month storytelling delay, so it ended mercifully quickly!!

What's the worst coupling for Days, in your opinions?
Oh man, I have to agree with you on Shane and Kayla being thrown together. Both were (and are) wonderful characters, but they were a horrible romantic couple.

Of course, Sami and EJ as the "golden couple" :sick: with her blathering on and on about him being the love of her life, after he literally raped her.

I didn't care for Rafe and Hope as a couple, either.

Carrie and Rafe swooning over each other was gag-worthy, too.

Oh, and while we don't see them, the thought of Mike Horton and Nancy Wesley together makes me cringe. There is no way in this world Mike Horton would've hooked up with the woman who nearly destroyed his life years ago, no matter what she went through with Craig coming out as gay, and Clyde using her. Nope. Never would've happened.
Agree. Shane and Kayla. Awful as it pitted sisters against each other over a man, and it felt like a betrayal.

Recently I loathed Gwen and Xander. I always felt like he had no agency in that relationship as he didn't know that Sarah hadn't left him. On top of feeling he was duped the entire relationship, I also felt she brought out his worst qualities and all his development was reversed.
Yes, I'd rank Kayla and Justin very high on the list, too, because it was obviously just grist since Steve was returning. (Really everything during/after the time jump was just awful.)

Here's a quickie top 10 for me:
10. Carrie/Rafe [really forced grist and wasted the return of Carrie and Austin]
9. Will/Paul [temporary grist until Will's memory returned]
8. Chad/Melanie [just because the actors were dating in real life doesn't mean we want to wreck months of story, oh and then Mel leaves and Chad goes back to Abby?]
7. Allie/Chanel [why can't anyone stay friends in Salem?]
6. Nicole/Daniel [he was a perv who loved to lord over her]
5. Rafe/Hope [way too forced and too many felonies involved, plus the destruction of Aiden right after I started liking him with Hope]
4. Jake/Kate [again, it seemed like this was just to throw folks together for a bit for no reason - their coupling didn't make sense]
3. Carly/Bo 2010s [obviously he was going to end up back with Hope, why waste Carly’s return on this?]
2. EJ/Sami [obvious reasons]
1. Kayla/Shane
Carrie and Rafe swooning over each other was gag-worthy, too.
OMG, were they ever. I recall when the air conditioning went out in their joint office and Carrie applied ice cubes to her face and neck. It was rather clear that what she was trying too cool off was her raging lust for Rafe. Equally bad was when she slept with dull husband Austin. Once the clueless one fell asleep, the unsatiated Carrie left their bed to roam the Town Square looking for the real object of her desire — Rafe.

As for other bad couples, how about Hope and Aiden in his pre-dead bird days. How many grooms plan to murder the bride on their wedding night? There’s also brainless Brady taking up with Kritter Kristen despite many warnings about her from those who knew the ugly truth. During this time the clueless one did an imitation of Sami defending idiot EJ, claiming that the Kritter had “changed” despite all the evidence to the contrary.
I'm probably alone but I think I would have enjoyed Kayla and Justin as a couple. I must admit that was based on the actors though. I enjoy Justin but it only would have worked if they had actually been allowed to be happy and Justin got to show his humor.

I think there have been tons of bad couplings so I'll go with the most recent which is Rafe and Hope. Never made any sense and if I recall correctly we were supposed to ignore the age difference.

Of course Sami and EJ were a bad pairing but the show not only never owned up to that but they shoved them down our throats like they were a great love story. I consider that a bigger sin than being a bad pairing. :tsk:
I think you are right. I remember they would play this particular music, sounded like it was music box tune, when she was with him. Maybe part of his past when she hypnotized Lawrence? It’s been a long time. My memory is fuzzy of their relationship.
Yes, she was working with him about buried/masked childhood memories (that's how she got close to him to find out about the virus he was using to infect the ISA agents). The Alamain family didn't want him to remember his (adopted) brother's death (Forrest Alamain, who was John Black as a child). This was back when John was believed to be the illegitimate son of Daphne DiMera and given to her sister, Philomena Alamain, to raise.
Sometimes, the public loves a character, & yet the character is written out. This is because the actor left, not renewing contract. Instead of recasting, the character is just gone. And yet, in other instances, a character is not going over well, or the actor WAS going to leave, but changes mind, and thus we get the actor suddenly playing a completely new character, despite the fact viewers just saw old character a few days ago.
Ejerk paired with anyone.

Kate and Roman, what real man would want to be with a woman who almost let his daughter be executed for a murder she did not commit?
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How many grooms plan to murder the bride on their wedding night?
This was the new writers diverting story to fire the actor, though. It was unnecessary (sort of like killing Serena and Paige just because they were hired by previous writers).
This was back when John was believed to be the illegitimate son of Daphne DiMera and given to her sister, Philomena Alamain, to raise
Actually at first wasn't he just believed to be Philomena's son? The DiMera-adjacent rewrite (and being Tony's half sib) came later, circa 2001 I think?
Could be, I only remember it being said he was Daphne's son from an affair. With John, anybody could be one of his parents at any given time, from Henderson to the Smith Island Preserve Bear.

Edited to add: OK, I did some digging. In the early 90's, John was found to be the bio son of Philomena and Leopold Alamain, named Forrest Alamain, who drowned as a 3 or 4 year old. Lawrence said no one in the family saw Forrest's body after the death and later when the casket was exhumed, it was filled with sand. A DNA test was done on Lawrence and John, and it was a match.

Then Tony (really Andre) returned around 2002 with a letter from Daphne (Tony's mother) saying she had a baby from an affair and gave the child to Philomena (her sister) and Leopold to raise. Another DNA test was done and and it showed John and "Tony" to be brothers. Then we later got another rewrite that John was the son of Colleen Brady (Pop Shawn Brady's sister) and Santo DiMera (Stefano's father), named Ryan Brady.

When the show wanted to hook up Brady and Jeannie T, we got a quick throw-away line that John went to Europe to do extensive research and discovered Ryan Brady had died as a little boy. Then later he was said to be the son of Maude Robicheaux and Timothy Robicheaux, a/k/a the deranged Yo Ling. Timothy went off to the war and Maude couldn't afford to take care of John, so he was either sold or put into an orphanage.

And now, the most recent rewrite is that Yo Ling stole the identity of Timothy Robicheaux, and John found his real dad, the real Timothy Robicheaux, a/k/a Daddy Van Dyke.

Due to rewrites, they seem to stick with the story of Philomena and Leopold adopting/buying John when he was little more than a baby, and somehow his death (drowning) was faked (unbeknownst to the Alamain family), and he was whisked away to the Hunger Games style boarding school, Winterthorne Academy, where he met Eduardo Hernandez as a kid, and somehow Yo Ling had a hand in arranging. :rolleyes: Oddly, Vivian appears to be fond of her adoptive nephew, John.

But seriously, next week, Rory and Maggie could be his parents due to some zany mix-up with Eugene's time machine.