Will and Sonny

But he's not doing anything to Ari. It serves no plot point to remove Arianna from Will, as he is NOT neglecting or abusing her.

If all of the Salem kiddies were removed from their parents because their parents were acting like jerks, none of the Salem kiddies would be growing up with their moms or dads.
My husband is home today (claims that he hates the show, but somehow always manages to watch it along with me and comment- ha). Husband, observing Will today, says "wow, that kid is a total jerk that Sonny should walk away NOW". :rotfl:

edited to replace word - JS
I've gotta agree on JS here. I can't stand Will anymore than the rest of you, but he hasn't been a bad father to Ari, so I don't want him to lose custody of her, nor do I see any reason for him to.
I wish there would have a formal adoption of Arianna by Sonny. I'm not sure how it all works now considering Gabi is incarcerated. Does Will have sole custody? I know Sonny is her step-father but I'm pretty sure he has no legal standing as far as custody of Arianna goes. Not that I want to see some custody battle, but if Will and Sonny got divorced it would have been nice to see some joint custody agreement between them.
Sami couldn't be bothered with Rafe after the divorce, even though he adored her kids.

He would've had no legal standing to ask for visitation with Allie, Johnny and Sydney. Plus, EJ's giant green-eyed monster came out any time the kids mentioned Rafe or they ran into Rafe in the Square or at the Pub.
... none of the Salem kiddies would be growing up with their moms or dads.

Wait, you mean some of them DO?? LOL

I'm really hoping that the 50th is someone waking up on a bed and everything since the Daysaster is a dream. Failing that, Will is standing outside Paul's door, having dreamt everything since the interview began.

I see no reason to root for Paul & Sonny together, since they'll just be broken up in 6 months anyway. :rolleyes:
That is the trouble with ANY couple, ANY time. We root for them to be together, they are, but then writers' block sets in, and the writers cannot think of anything except to break them up. One wonders how Tom & Alice ever survived. Or MacMillan & Wife. Or Hart to Hart. Odd how prime time show writers manage to keep married couples together, while having adventures, problems, kids maybe, job woes, etc. But in daytime, the writers (and this goes back years.........."o.k. we married them, not we have to break them up, they are boring"