Who killed Nick?

Could it be that on the night of Nick's shooting there was this conversation: Shooter 1 - "What are you doing here?; Shooter 2 - "I'm going to kill Nick; Shooter 1 - "Me too."; Shooter 3 (coming out of the bushes) - "Me too, but let's not miss Nick and hit each other."
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You always have a way with words!!
Now that the investigation into the Nick shooting has gotten off to an inglorious start with both Hope and Rafe unfairly using their personal relationships with Will and Sonny to put the squeeze on them, perhaps it's time for the great minds at the Salem P.D. to start thinking outside the box. If so, maybe they'll ignore the all-too-obvious EJ and Sami and come up with the following top-10 list of suspects and accompanying theories for each:
1) Rory (the pothead slacker tried to mug Nick to get money for his favorite controlled substance).
2) T (he didn't like Nick, so why not him?)
3) Vargas (he snuck out of prison to settle an old score, shot Nick, and then snuck back in).
4) Henderson (he was still angry about Nick leaving his room a mess while he lived at the K-mansion).
5) Jeremy "Touch the Sky Airlines" Horton (just to be nasty, Nick was planning to reveal the location of this fugitive's hideout to the Salem P.D.).
6) Melanie Jonas (living with Carly the Hag in France drove her crazy -- crazy enough to seek revenge against Nick).
7) Chelsea (Nick was blackmailing her about the Ford Decker homicide).
8) Arthur the Cat (he learned that Nick was a cat-hater and shot him to strike a blow for felines everywhere).
9) Susan Banks Crumb (she heard that Nick had been very rude to her darling baby boy).
10) Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed (she flew in from Zurich and shot Nick, assuming that the Salem P.D. would charge Sami with the crime).
After today's episode I'm wondering if it is Gabi. She asked about a modeling job in Argentina. Maybe that is her escape route to avoid arrest and she will leave Arianna in Salem with Will, Sonny and Uncle Rafe. Not sure if Argentina can extradite though but somehow TPTB won't care.
Ahhh, maybe it was Bo...undercover Bo!! Just kidding. LOL.
Yes that clearing area is closer, but Hope figured, wounded as badly as Nick was, it probably took him 10 minutes to get over to the square.

I must admit that Gabi, who was blubbering away "last night", certainly pulled herself together by morning. No tears, all dressed up, fancy hairdo, taking care of business all over. Cancelled the custody hearing, went to see EJ & Sami, asked him to draw up a 50/50 agreement about Ari, asked Sami about resuming the modeling and going to Argentina. Yep, she quickly was putting all her ducks in a row, taking care of business.
By Gabi looking so guilty, it has me wondering if that means she isn't. I still kind of think it is her, but then again they might be trying to throw us off by her actions after the fact. Yet.... I still think it is her - doing whatever it takes to keep Nick away from her baby.
I don't think it was the hitman because he wasn't in the town square when Nick 'pointed' to the shooter, and the hitman probably would have got the job done with the first bullet since he presumably has had practice killing people.
At different points each of the suspects were alone and then met up with others at the town square.... giving them time to shoot and get back there.
I don't think it was Will or Sonny because they are both acting like they think the other one did it.
Bullets fired by three people could present questions that would overtax the limited abilities of the Salem P.D. and the local judges (who all probably finished near the bottom of their law school class). These would include whether the shooters were guilty of felony murder because they caused a death while attempting to commit first-degree murder, or if they were only guilty of attempting second degree murder because they were acting under a "sudden and intense passion" caused by Nick's provocations. Then there's the completely unconstitutional investigation methods of Roman's cops, which would probably will taint any evidence they discover. Under the circumstances, it might save a lot of bother if the shooters were granted the equivalent of "DiMera immunity," so everybody could move on to their next life crisis, which in Salem is right around the corner.
Oops! My bad. It's 10 minutes from the Bushy clearing to the Square. (Still implausible by what we've seen to date, and will undoubtedly see in the future.)

Rules of Standard Bad Mystery Writing are in full effect here. The first most obvious suspects are never the killers in such tales. So we can eliminate Sonny, Gabi, and Lucas.

The multiple shooters theory presents the same question that arose after EJ was shot at the church: how could they have not seen each other.
My guess is there's a black hole in that bushy clearing. It didn't allow the light from each shooter to see the other(s).
To throw a new one in the mix, maybe it was the Town Square Dancing Girl. Nick took her mp3 player so she was out to get him :)

Seriously, this whodunit I'm gonna wait for the bullet to hit the target & find out then. There's too little to go on for me to attempt a guess.