Who killed Nick?

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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My guess is Gabi. Her comment about him being at peace etc. She seemed to need to see him to make sure he was gone. She may have thought she was the only one to stop him. Or do you think they will pull someone out of left field?
Left field would have been Percy doing it before getting on the plane to England. Only person who knew he was leaving is EJ (except Nick, but he's not doing any talking). Making Gabi the shooter is just poor writing, since all we've seen out of her is defense on behalf of Nick and his "change".
I think it's Percy and that there is more to the story that we haven't learned yet. It also could be someone out of left field.

I think the hit man left the park before Nick was shot. That's when we saw him by the pub. Plus a hit man is too obvious.

I think Gabi wanted to shoot him, attempted to but then someone else did the deed. That is why she suddenly had the diaper bag at HTS.

I think Lucas will be framed and it is possible he was at the park. But I don't think he did it.

I'll only buy Ben as the shooter if it makes his backstory come out. However, I also don't think it's likely due to the upcoming casting spoiler. Just not budget friendly for Justin Gaston(Ben) to be the shooter.

I will be furious if it is Rafe and they end up sending him to jail. TIIC are that awful.
If Rafe goes to prison, Sami's contract will have to be renewed. This so she can visit him at least 3 times a day, like she did during his rather lengthy hospital recovery.

In all fairness, Rafe has shown some violent tendencies. He beat up EJ, roughed up and threatened Nick, and was rude toward Ben. And, I just remembered: He hit Nick on the back of the head while Nick was seated at Sonny's bar.
EJ head-butted Rafe and started that fight. Rafe was defending himself (and got the better of EJ).

Nick deserved every bit of what Rafe threw his way for all he did to Will, Sonny and Gabi.

He gave him a "flick" on the back of the head; wasn't like he sucker-punched him.
I feel like Gabi is to much of a nervous mess all the time to pull off shooting nick...
just look how shaken up she was Monday after all this happened..it would be totally out of character for her to kill nick
The hit man in the back and Gabi the two in the chest!

Everyone has skeletons in their closet (that’s why the DiMera live in a mansion... the closet isn’t large enough to hide all theirs). And we know junior/Sami hired a hit man!

It would be a way to knock the Hernandez family off their pedestal (everyone thinks they are the prefect family). And an exit for the ex-Mrs. Nick Fallon!
I feel like Gabi is to much of a nervous mess all the time to pull off shooting nick...
just look how shaken up she was Monday after all this happened..it would be totally out of character for her to kill nick

You know I don't see it out of character at all. The nervousness she exhibited after the river was what was out of character. Gabi showed herself to be one cold blooded black widow throughout the Melanie kidnapping going so far as to step over her unconscious body and tell Chad and Brady that she didn't find her. Then the way she coldly threatened Sonny several times reminding him of what she's capable of shows that nature. I could see that at the realization Gabi was initially scared and upset. I can see her pulling it together talking it over to herself that the only way to stop Nick from obsessing over baby Ari and her is to get rid of him. I would be happy to see those flashbacks.
There are a lot of different ways to go with this. And while Gabi appears guilty as sin, it could be she fired at Nick, or had the gun, intending to do so, but either her shots missed the mark, or she never fired but saw Nick go down. I am thinking that Lucas went to the park, but Nick was already down on the ground, Lucas left. He might even have had a gun with him as well.
The hitman headed for the park when he saw Julie had left. I also think he was too late.

There were people in the square together all the time.....Will & Sonny, Sami & EJ. Jordan/Allie. Actually, Abby and Ben, who were walking, saw each other. Rafe was there already. Kate arrived late as did Gabi, both joining Will & Sonny. Julie was last, and alone when she sat down, remarking that the place had filled up.

And yes, the person who did Nick in could very well come out of left field. Stefano or victor with a hitman, Brady, and definitely Percy....even someone HIRED by Percy.
Victor and Stefano would both contact their "people" to take care of Nick.

Although perhaps as he did with Curtis Brown (the drug-addled father of Austin and Billie Reed), perhaps Stefano felt this was a job that required his personal attention. (Perhaps Nick stole Stefano's diabetes testing supplies in an ill-advised attempt to begin blackmailing Nono DiMera?)

I think every gun in town will end up being a 9mm. Kind of looking like they're going to make it Gabi, but I really thought it would end up being Percy. Kind of out of character for Gabi to have done it.
I would agree with you, but the previous set of writers turned Gabi into this type of character. And since all the current writers appear to know is what happened 6 months before they were hired, to them, this is in character for Gabi. (Though I still loathe the change.)

I'm really not putting much credence in the timeline. That bushy clearing is within speaking distance of the HTS sometimes, and now, it's a 20-minute walk. Oy. So the writers will spin their timeline when they're ready for the reveal.

My money's on the hitman and Percy, with Gabi as a long shot. I like the idea that she had intent or even fired but missed the mark. My honest opinion is that the Hitman did it but someone else will get the blame for awhile.
The only reason for being dubious about it being the hired killer is that Nick barely flinched when hit by the bullets, and EJ's guy was packing a real cannon. (Of course, the usual rules of ballistics could be suspended in Salem just like normal weather cycles, the rules of time and distance, etc.). The multiple shooters theory presents the same question that arose after EJ was shot at the church: how could they have not seen each other. If memory serves, in addition to Will, Kate and Marlena also took shots at Elvis, but somehow they never saw one another. Could it be that on the night of Nick's shooting there was this conversation: Shooter 1 - "What are you doing here?; Shooter 2 - "I'm going to kill Nick; Shooter 1 - "Me too."; Shooter 3 (coming out of the bushes) - "Me too, but let's not miss Nick and hit each other."