Who is in the "Like Column"?

Nicole-I've ALWAYS loved her! She was the first character I saw onscreen for my first Days episode, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I find she is just a very relatable character, and a root-for-the-underdog type of person. Plus, she's really good at being bad and scheming, which while it may be wrong, is entertaining and she usually does it for the right reasons, if that makes sense. Plus, her one-liners.

Lucas-I enjoy him with Sami and without her, and also as a parent (minus that time they had him backtrack on his support for Will's coming out). He's often the voice of reason and has good one-liners. He needs to be on more.

Victor-C'mon. The dude's hilarious. Need I say more?

JJ and Tad-They used to be really annoying, but have both really grown up and matured into pretty cool guys. I just wish they had better story lines.

Sonny-Another voice of reason...and I also love to look at him, lol, almost as much as I did when Chandler Massey (ex-Will) was onscreen.

Rafe- He may not have the best story lines as of the past year or so, but he's a good guy.

Abigail- I like her most of the time. Sometimes, she does come off as judgmental. But in general, she seems like a nice person and a voice of reason.

Hope- I feel the same about her as I do about Abby.

Aiden- He's an example of how the soap should always introduce new characters. He was clearly brought in to be Hope's love interest--and they have great chemistry--but he also has scenes/episodes where he only interacts with other people (Brady & Theresa, JJ & Jennifer, etc). A great way to weave him onto the canvas.

Kayla- Not too much to say about her, but she is a likable character.

Daniel- Don't get me wrong; I'm not a fan of him hogging airtime, his old playboy ways, or his superhero antics. But he does spend time with his kids and family, is usually a good friend, and is a good guy. I like watching him best when he is single or with Nicole. His relationship with Jennifer was ruined for me while ago.

I want to like Paige and Jordan, as they seem like nice people, but they are just so boring, and Paige needs to make up her mind whether or not she can accept JJ's past or not.

Jennifer- I used to like her but she really became a judgmental shrew, hypocrite, and whiny annoying little brat who acts younger than her two children! She is more tolerable when she isn't paired with Daniel, but not by much.

Kristen, Anne, and Theresa- They are all fantastic actresses. The issue is, they just live to make people miserable, and Kristen and Theresa are so selfish that there really are few, if any, redeeming qualities about them.

Sami- I've always hated this character. I don't know if I've ever hated a fictional character so much at all! She's annoying, bratty, entitled, whiny, hypocritical, judgmental, childish, manipulative, selfish, and plays the victim. No redeemable qualities whatsoever.

Eric- Again, a character I used to like, but as is the case with Jennifer, was just turned into a whiny, judgmental hypocrite that is so annoying to watch.

EJ and Stefano- Again...we have too many bad people on the soap. These two were fun to watch at times, and I'm eagerly awaiting Stefano's return right now. But I hate that they never really pay for their crimes, other than maybe losing their spouses at the time.