Who is in the "Like Column"?

Jazz Cat

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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A Destination of Sight, Sound & Mind...
Currently, Eric and Jennifer have been running head in head in disfavor in posts here at the Spectator. I know the majority of this forum aren't fans of EJ or Sami, Daniel, or Anne. Theresa isn't popular, and I get that. Maggie's even getting some heat for her lackluster maternal instincts or lack of. Many don't like Kate. And Kristen! We can't forget how much hate is thrown her way!

So, my question is: Who do you like on Days? And not just for a day or two, three, but overall. And- why.
The ones I like the most are the ones that are hardly on the air or are no longer on the show. Of the ones still on the show, I love Lucas and Victor, especially for their snark. Kayla and Hope have been among my favorite characters since I started watching full time in 1986.

I do enjoy Anne and Theresa's friendship or drinking buddies, whatever you want to call it. While both look out for number one, they actually have one of the few female friendships the writers actually develop and show on screen. I enjoy their snarking on Daniel and Jennifer, both of whom really deserve it.

I have also like the new Eve, played by Kassie DePaiva, but I don't like her plotting against JJ. She can have a field day with Jennifer and/or Maggie, but leave the kids out of it.

I also feel that Aiden is the best new character Days has added in a long time. The writers actually took the time to integrate his character with the others on screen so he has not just been interacting with Hope alone. Had they done that with Jordan instead of isolating her with Rafe she might be a more integrated character and more liked by the audience.
Good question, since most characters have changed over the years it's hard to say.

I like John and Marlena. I wonder if the younger Marlena would have asked
Eric to help John instead of testifying against Kristen
We can like a character, while NOT liking what they do or say. For years, since she arrived, I was a big fan of Sami's, despite her schemes, mischief, etc. but that changed a couple years ago, and everything she does and says doesn't have me changing my mind at alol. I like Rafe, Brady, Aiden, and I do like the friendship between Theresa & Anne. Another case of liking characters, but not what they have said or done to others. Hope, Kayla, Caroline, Victor, Lucas, John, Marlena all get "like marks".
I am on the fence with Clyde....because I think the actor really has done a fabulous job with his story, though the character is obviously a mean & nasty one, he does the "charm" so well. LOL

But I agree that some long time characters have been changed so much, it is difficult to say one likes them. I can only add that I don't really "hate" any character.
I like several of the characters: Aidan, Kayla, Hope, Victor, Lucas, Rafe, Daniel, Nicole, Marlena, John, Caroline. I still like Brady when he is sober and behaving responsibly. Actually, I'm surprised that I now like Kate! When she was nothing more than a meddling mother I found her very annoying.
I like Victor, Nicole, Aiden, Hope, Lucas, Caroline, Kayla, Marlena, John, Kate, Stefano, Justin - almost all of the time.

I like Brady, Sami, EJ, Daniel, Maggie, Kristen- some of the time.

I don't like Eric, Theresa, Anne, Paige, Jen Jen, Abby, most of the time.

The rest are just filler to me.
I always loved Bo and Sami they were my absolute favorites. Then they ruined it by sleeping with scum. There are many characters I like. But right now I'll answer the question by saying that I really like Nicole. She is the one character that I have rooted for for a long and continue to do so. Give her Aiden or Daniel. Oh and I miss rooting for Rafe. The writers have done nothing for his for so long I don't know what to root for him.

I will say that because of the storylines, it's hard to really like characters. Like Poirot said, I still like some of them, despite what they do or say sometimes. On my list of likes :

- Nicole : I find myself rooting for her, even when she does something stupid, like destroying the evidence (though I somewhat understand her motives) or now, running after saintly but cruel Eric.

- Aiden : Right now, I like the guy a lot. Best addition to the show in a long, long time.

- I love Lucas, unfortunately, TIIC don't, apparently. Too bad.

- I love John, despite the fact that lately, he was so misused.

- I still like Kayla, but I miss her with Steve. And she does not have a real purpose.

- Hope, I'm on the fence, as I hate how she calls Nicole a "porn star" and sometimes looks like an idiot as a cop. (Then again, all the cops at Salem PD look like idiots). Right now, I love her with Aiden.

- Daniel : I like him, except when he's with Jennifer, and when he's too much of a hero, or being a jerk to Nicole. Still, the guy has his moments. I wish he could be paired up with Nicole, she brought the best in him.

And I can't resist. On my hate list, right now :

- Sami (always hated her, I'm sorry)
- EJ
- Jennifer (used to love her, now I can't stand her)
- Kristen
- Eric (sanctimonious jerk)
- Theresa (I can't get passed the fact the she hit John, nope, can't do it, otherwise, there could have been some potential for redemption)
- Jordan (she bores me to tears)
I like...... Nicole, Victor, Sonny, Rafe, the new Kate. I like the Brady we are seeing now.

I have always liked having the character of Stefano on the show, even though I don't like him.

I like, not liking Theresa. I like, not liking Kristen.

I am liking Daniel more now. I think I like him when he is not with a female. He is too wishy washy when he is in love. I like that he tries to do the right thing for people like Paige and JJ, and is a good friend to Brady and Eric.

I am liking Will LESS. I loved the other actor that played Will, when he was cracking one liners about what a mess his mother is. Not liking the Will that is acting like a spoiled brat.

Jen, not so much.

Hope is boring to me

Aiden is okay. I need more time with this character

Jordan and Ben can leave anytime

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS

I think JJ has potential but I think Paige and Eve can go

Marlena, John, Roman, Caroline, Kayla, Maggie are very important to the history of the show and I love the vets.
"like: list:
I love Nicole, always have. She's fun to watch on screen no matter what she's doing, right or wrong.

I have always been a fan of Ali Sweeney (Sami), so I tend to like Sami, even though I don't like the way that character is written sometimes.

I love Stefano (actually...haha!), no really- he plays a great bad guy. I enjoy watching him, even when he's so wrong. I guess I love to "hate" him haha.

I loved Shawn Brady. I miss him! Bring him back. However... I don't much care for Belle...leave her on the ship. LOL.

I loved Mimi Lockhart! I even kind of liked her bat crazy mother Bonnie... they can come back please. We have the actress already on the stage. Sheesh. 2 characters for the price of one...just sayin'!

"dislike" list:

HATE HATE HATE EJ. Of course, I must give kudos to the actor and the writers. If he's meant to be hated, he plays the part well. I hate the character of EJ. I can't even say I "love" to hate him. deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS

And I dislike John and Marlena. I don't hate them, they are tolerable....but I just don't like them. never have... their scenes are just awful in my opinion.

HOWEVER... I like them a little bit by themselves.

I like Marlena interacting with Sami, Eric, Belle, etc.

and I like John interacting with Stefano or whoever.

but I dislike John and Marlena together.
Nicole is my favorite, I love her no matter what she does. Hope is still one of my favorites, I what her to kick Bo to the curb and never take him back.

Aiden Oh my God he is beautiful and has such chemistry with everyone he has contact with. Victor of course and Lucas for their uncanny wit. Rafe because he's eye candy. And I just love Brady because.
Nicole and Daniel are my two favorite characters. I love them separately, loved their friendship, am dismayed by this conflict between them and hope its resolved. They are the two characters I would most want to hang out with if they were real people.

I also really like JJ and find myself often wishing they would give him a better storyline.

I like Hope and Aiden, both together and separately, except when Hope is putting her nose in Jen/Daniel's relationship or lack thereof.

I used to love Jen, but cant stand her with Daniel or when shes acting like she's younger than JJ. I do like her scenes with her kids lately and adore her friendship with Hope.

I like Rafe, Lucas and Julie on those very rare occasions they appear.

Eve is my favorite villanness currently on canvas, and I wish they'd give her a proper story. But my all time favorite villanness is Vivian :love:

(Edited to add:I cant believe I forgot Victor! I adore him and his wit.)
For some reason I like Theresa , and I love Nicole. I think they both need to be loved and make some not so wise choices in the pursuit of love and acceptance.

I like Aiden and Clyde ( good guy, bad guy)

As for vets: Victor:clap: Kate and Caroline

I can think of a lot of characters I could put on my like list if the writers would stop with the poison pen.
This is sort of a difficult question to answer as I've liked and disliked characters at various times depending on what they are doing. So I guess my list goes something like this:

Nicole, Lucas, Victor, Tad, Ciara, Justin, Aiden

Like MOST of the time:
Rafe, Sonny, Hope, Marlena, John, Kayla, Adrienne, Daniel (except when he's with Jennifer), Kate, Brady (except during his drunk/high phase), Abigail

No feelings one way or the other:
Maggie (except when she's all about egg baby Daniel - dislike), Caroline, Abe, Roman, Stefano, JJ, Paige, Will, Ben, Clyde

Dislike MOST of the time:
Sami, EJ, Eve, Jordan, Jennifer, Eric, Theresa, Kristen (although usually in a love to hate sort of way), Anne
I like Nicole, Lucas, Kayla, Justin, and Ciara. I don't mind Aiden. I like Will & Sonny although their current story bores me to tears. I also like Abigail.

I like Victor as long as he's not gushing over his stepeggbaby; and Jennifer when she's in mom mode. I also like Kate when she's not around Jordan/Rafe, although she's not my Kate, I end up liking her anyway. :)

I actually like Anne as well, even though I'm not supposed to. I also enjoy Rory's dopey stonerness. I am rooting for Jeannie Theresa to get out of this tiresome "bad girl" bit.

I don't like Ben. I want to like Jordan.
I like or love these characters even though I may not like what they do: John, Marlena, Hope, Aiden, Nicole, Sami, Kate, Rafe, Lucas, Eric, Brady (though tired of the drunk, drugged, and sex scenes), Victor, Stefano, Daniel (as long as JenJen is not anywhere in the picture), Sonny, and Tad. I guess the kids can be in this category unless Ciara is in her snotty, lying, manipulating persona.

Like, but they don't have much to do on the show or are missing in action: Roman, Caroline, Kayla, Justin

Growing on me: Theresa (when she has her softer/warmer scenes)

Not sure about yet: Clyde

Falling into the dislike category if continued to be written in the current fashion : Will, Adrienne

Can take or leave, don't care about, or dislike the rest.