Where would you hide those diamonds?

That dimwit should have put those diamonds right back in her bra and taken them somewhere she had control of when and how to move them. After all the attempts of getting the elephant she gets what she wants and stows it where it will take god only knows how many attempts to get in and get them. She has a skull full of Play-doh. And she may just be putting Daniel and Parker in danger if one of those idiot goons finds out that the elephant is at Daniel's.

On a side note, whoever is coaching the kid playing Parker needs to tell him not to scream every word that comes out of his mouth. I've never hated the word "sparkles" so much in my life.
And how exactly does she get her hands back on those things. Is she going to be visiting Melanie a lot? The chances of running into Nicole there are pretty high. And the opportunity for her to be alone long enough to retrieve them.......pretty slim. Why would anyone hide something in a place one doesn't have constant and free access?
It's interesting that the show spent so much time focusing on showing the secure safe in Serena's room. You'd think that would be a perfect place for the diamonds.

On a side note, I wonder if the emails she kept in there will ever come into play again.
If I was her I would just walk out of there with them in my hand. If anyone would ask her why she's walking around with a bag of blood diamonds she could just bring up Nicole and they would instantly forget what she's doing and start bashing the shredder. She has so much luck and she doesn't know how to use it.
So now I am officially interested and not because of the dimwit Serena. It's everything else that has me interested. Bringing in the bad guy who is the mysterious handsome stranger, who Daniel was visibly concerned about, who Nicole although felt good about the interested shown to her was not interested in and who is giving the dimwit Serena grief. And I laugh my butt off every time Serena disses King Eric The Sanctimonious Sourpuss then has to suck up to him until this is all over with.
She could take them out to the cabin on the lake that the raccoons live in, ... perhaps the animals could find them and trade them for food with the bear that hangs around there.:):clap:
Serena would never get near the Horton cabin. The raccoons have had it with human intruders (recall that they were forced to endure EJ's tryst with Abigail and one of Dr. McScruffy's tabletop operations). By now, they're armed to the teeth and ready to rumble.

"There's that awful Serena. Let's get her!"
The toilet tank would have made more sense, or hung out the window with a rope.
The toilet tank presents some interesting possibilities: 1) Parker gets curious about what's inside the tank, finds the diamonds, and then flushes them; 2) desperate to reclaim the diamonds and leave town, Serena barges in on Dr. McScruffy while he's taking care of business. The rope also presents some good scenarios: the rope breaks or is untied by Parker, the diamonds fall to the ground, and are found and kept by one of the following: JJ, Cole, Rory, Melanie, Eve, or Jeremiah. Imagine Jenny barking: JJ, where did you get those diamonds!!!???; or Rory selling them and then holding the mother of all pot parties at Salem U.
1. Why did she feel she had to take the stinkin' statue instead of just opening it up and taking the diamonds? She had so many chances and could have done this when Mr. Non-personality left the room.

2. Why the fireplace? Daniel lights a fire, the diamonds are in a plastic baggie, heat plus plastic equals melting. Plink, plink, oh happy days, my fireplace is raining diamonds. She could have kept them in her bra or hidden them in someone's hairbrush because no one on the show uses them.
I don't think the writers had fully planned the storyline with the elephant at the beginning, since she could have easily taken the diamonds the first time she saw the statue at Eric's.

She didn't want the diamonds on her body, in her purse or hotel room so that Navidad and/or Xander could accost her or ransack her hotel room and find them. Granted, the fireplace was a stupid hiding place, but that's why she hid them.
She could have hidden them under the sofa, since no one ever has to clean or vacuum there. Inside the vase of fake flowers, in the cupboard behind anything, as no one ever cooks, eats even cereal, though they do drink tea. LOL

And yes, I have also said elsewhere that the writers had not plotted out the elephant story. I think they initially thought the elephant itself was made out of some valuable material, and covered up, or else was done by a famous person, and the other was a copycat. And they kept changing their minds, ending up with stupidity as usual.