Where would you hide those diamonds?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Paleeese!!! No more!! I can't take any more stupidity with this elephant storyline!! So Serena finds the bag of diamonds and she can't figure out a better place to hide them other than inside the Jonas' fireplace? I am hoping for a roaring fire real soon...and throw Serena in for kindling!:sarcasm:
Makes me laugh........she thinks it warm enough, no more fires, and Chicago area had a big snowstorm today. Guess that dome really protects all of Salem. Guess she doesn't plan on turning over the diamonds to "He" and Navidad.
I guess it would depend on what I was planning to do with them. If I wanted to give them to "Him" and his scoodied lackey Navidad, I would have marched them right out of the apartment and hung around Barron's store until Navidad showed up to update her wardrobe.

If, however, I wanted to sell them myself and fool my evil overlords, I'd put them somewhere nobody ever goes. I'd put them in Daniel Jonas' never-used shampoo bottle until I could move them to Roman Brady's bedroom pending black market sale.
Would a fireplace fire damage diamonds? Maybe not, but it would be a bear to find them all, afterward. Haven't watched the show, yet, but considering the fashions worn by Serena of late, I imagine the stereotypical upper-body undergarment wasn't an option as a hiding place.
Please, KathyLu, let's not give the writers any ideas. They'd probably think it would be compelling drama if Navidad and her accomplice grabbed "Bluebird," handcuffed her to a bed at the Salem Inn, force-fed her Ex-Lax, and then waited for nature to take its course. Far fetched? Sure, but this is the same crowd that gave Days viewers "Hate Boinks" I, II, III, IV, and V. As for a place to hide the diamonds, put them in the middle of Roman's desk at Salem police headquarters. They wouldn't be found because: 1) Roman never goes to work, or 2) like any Salem cop, Roman's powers of perception are non-existent.
Heck, she could have hidden them in her OWN office at the hospital, she never works there, either. Wonder how someone keeps getting into her room. Seems to me if security was that lax, I would move elsewhere.
Also.....would the hotel housekeepers not notice? SOMETHING???
She could take them out to the cabin on the lake that the raccoons live in, and take care of, until Jen, Jen and that Tan Man Doctor Man arrive. It is spring, that means she will be back out there sliding around on the floor with her behind wrapped in nothin' but dust, and raccoon droppings. If the diamonds were out there, perhaps the animals could find them and trade them for food with the bear that hangs around there.:):clap:
I was going to say Parker's backpack, too. Then we could have a major scene with Serena and Parker fighting over the backpack, lol.

Yeah, but I thought Ciara cornered the backpack secret market. Maybe Serena and Parker fighting over the backpack, and Ciara coming in and just taking it and walking away would be a good resolution.
OK, so I have something I need to get my hands on quickly and I hide it in an elephant, one that looks just like the others. Then my friend purchases the elephant that contains my secret stash of sparkly things. Now finally after many years, I get my hands on said sparkly things and I hide them in a fireplace??? Why not just leave them in the elephant???
Not defending this stupid storyline, but since Parker saw her with the diamonds, he may have seen her remove them from the base of the statue. Had she left them in the elephant, he could've removed them after she left, played with them, hidden them, thrown them in his toy box, given them to Ciara, etc.