Where is Jennifer?!

You know, I wouldn't have minded the pairing, if they hadn't lived off of one misunderstanding after another. It got really old, and then the way both Jennifer and Daniel reacted to it was ridiculous. If they can act like they did today, I'll be happy with a friendship. If they can act like they did today, I might be willing to revisit a relationship. But maintain these positive changes... don't revert back to the mess they made the first go 'round! (Or 50 go 'rounds, however you want to look at it. :) )

I completely agree
I think they have put her in too many storylines with women that want to tear her down. Nicole then Theresa and now Eve. Oh and don't forget Chloe. Same thing over and over again and dumb Dan was naïve to both Nicole and Chloe. I am glad she is not with Dan anymore. I didn't believe that he would tell Eric about what Nicole did. And Nicole never would have told Eric. Dan is a pushover for Nicole. They deserve each other.