Where is Jennifer?!

It would seem the suits finally realized the pairing of Daniel & Jennifer was not received well, and so have slowly been attempting to rectify that. They also have had to realize that changing that nice Jennifer Horton into a shrew has not gone over at all, so they are probably now trying to figure out how to fix their big mistakes.
However, overall, the show is concentrating on the younger, newer faces and most of the vets have been shoved into the background with little or no story, just filler here and there. Lucas, Rafe, John, Hope, Marlena, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Adrienne, Victor. Maggie gets a bit more airtime, but only because of the egg given to Daniel's mother, enabling her to have a child.
I agree with you Poirot; Jen was actually very mature (rather than shrewish) when talking with Daniel and (as the Jen of old would) tried to make his admission of being friends with Nicole again an adult conversation where she didn't attempt to criticize either him or Nicole (only warned Daniel to be careful). Although she did very pointedly defend Melanie to Anne and Theresa, she wasn't as over the top as she has been in the past. Maybe her visit to her Mom made her see what crazy looked like and it was like looking in a mirror image of herself lately.
LOL, Jen caught those two gossiping about someone who had been well liked around the hospital previously, and so turned it all around to be sweet sugar. LOL, they did not dare argue with her to her face.

It really is too bad that both Anne & Theresa have to have this vendetta against Dr. Dan.....thus his family as well......and then Jennifer. Theresa DID try to steal money from the hospital while working with Jen, not once, but twice, and also constantly came in late, took off early, did not show up at all, took 2 hr. breaks, smoked pot on the job, etc. And yet she faults Jen. Sheesh. LOL
It would seem the suits finally realized the pairing of Daniel & Jennifer was not received well, and so have slowly been attempting to rectify that. They also have had to realize that changing that nice Jennifer Horton into a shrew has not gone over at all, so they are probably now trying to figure out how to fix their big mistakes.
However, overall, the show is concentrating on the younger, newer faces and most of the vets have been shoved into the background with little or no story, just filler here and there. Lucas, Rafe, John, Hope, Marlena, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Adrienne, Victor. Maggie gets a bit more airtime, but only because of the egg given to Daniel's mother, enabling her to have a child.

You know, I wouldn't have minded the pairing, if they hadn't lived off of one misunderstanding after another. It got really old, and then the way both Jennifer and Daniel reacted to it was ridiculous. If they can act like they did today, I'll be happy with a friendship. If they can act like they did today, I might be willing to revisit a relationship. But maintain these positive changes... don't revert back to the mess they made the first go 'round! (Or 50 go 'rounds, however you want to look at it. :) )