What next for Jen...wardrobe


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, we have seen Jen for the past several months in more inappropriate, uncomfortable clothes/outfits than I can count. A beautiful woman, who wardrobe, plus hair dept. cannot figure out how to enhance. ..What next?
What horrible number will we see next on poor Jen?

When I first clicked on the site I saw "What next for Jenn" and my first thought was "she could try cliff diving in a shallow pool". Then I saw wardrobe. In that case they might as well shop for her clothing at the local hot air balloon supply shop.
Great outfit suggestions on this thread to help Jen Jen out of her fashion rut. Let's just hope that she doesn't start whiling away her lonely evenings without her scruffy lover by watching old movies and TV reruns. If so, Jenny with her lack of fashion sense, might just start wearing one or all of the following: a bustle, whale-bone corset, cloche hat, rolled stockings, dress with shoulder pads, poodle skirt, sack dress, hot pants, go-go boots, or something that might have found favor with Princess Leia.
Since I don't have a DVR and SoapNet went off the air, I have to watch online and they are a day behind, so I just got a good look at that horrendous get-up Jen had on Wednesday's show. LOLOL. "Hey Jen, 1972 called and they want their clothes back." Who in God's name picked out that get up??? Maybe someone should start a petition to at least dress her in something from this decade. :eek:

When I first clicked on the site I saw "What next for Jenn" and my first thought was "she could try cliff diving in a shallow pool". Then I saw wardrobe. In that case they might as well shop for her clothing at the local hot air balloon supply shop.
