SPOILER !! Week Oct 7

Jordan is annoying. I used to want her there for Ben, but since she is against him she can go back to Bayview for all I care.
If challenged on the wisdom of releasing batty Jordan, the people at Bayview would probably point out that they also released Ben who's doing well, and then shrug their shoulders and say something like: "Hey, one of out two ain't bad."
Would Gabi appreciate the irony of this situation? For years, Julie has been lashing out at her for killing her darling Nicky, and now she's doing the same thing to the hapless Lani. That said, Gabi may have a point. The Salem P.D. does have a history of shooting first and asking questions later. Annie Oakley Hope has several notches on her pistol handle, and Bo Brady once gunned down crime lord Abe Vitali in the Pub.
Eve/Vivian and Kristen/Jordan: WHO ASKED FOR THIS?! And why is Eve still in Salem???

The Kristen/Jordan part is interesting. I hope they're not going to retcon Jordan into a sibling of Kristen and Peter's.

Based on the Fall preview, I wonder if Kristen and Sarah are the only 2 pregnant? We also saw them refer to Gabi and Ciara. I could see Gabi being pregnant after Stefan dies.

As much as I am enjoying Gabi with Stefan, it is kind of time that she got some karma. Plus nobody ever dies in Salem so I'm sure he will be back.
So, what do we think the condition is that Gabi has for donating Stefan's heart? I think it will have something to do with Lani not getting to marry Eli so she won't be happy. And, yes, that is stupid. But, we also saw that things don't go well or something bad happens when they are planning the wedding, so am guessing it is Gabi.

Wow, Julie lingers for a long time!! And, I agree, WHY is Eve still here???? And it looks like next Friday is when Xander will offer to be the daddy when he wracks his brain to come up with that.

So sad to see that we may be seeing Princess Gina again so soon. How many different serums does that man have?????
Thanks for the videos and NBC pictures, Kat.

Who is in the picture with Brady and Victor, and why are they all smiling so big?

I had to laugh at the caption with the picture of Xander--says he tries to come up with a way to keep Sarah around, and there he is, shirtless.