Seems that when Days went to streaming (which I hate) sweeps no longer matter for the show. Since everyone is not watching at the same time, as in the past.......impossible to calculate against other shows in a same time period.
This is true, if they listen, and we can see some changes in direction if we wait long enough.that sends a message to Peacock that you do not care for the content.
Thank you for all you did. I always read your summaries back then and still enjoy your posts.You know, a lot of years ago, I was able to get Days a day ahead. Don't remember why or how, but it is what got me to begin doing summaries "day ahead". There were 3 people who had a site with summaries, that I visited..........and I volunteered there to be a sub. So when one of them wanted to retire, I was asked to join up, one day a week. Said yes........and it all led to my taking over when the others retired, and here I am. However, was so difficult 5 days a week, and thankfully, posters volunteered, for which I was so grateful. Days is no longer available a day ahead, and I am no longer the energetic person I was back then. Hey, time flies, we all age. You all have probably noticed I am not as active as I was years back, but thankfully Kat, JS, Robin, Jason, and others have stepped up, filled in, taken up the chalenges, and kept all of it going. Bless them all. Am so thankful.
Poirot, thanks for confirming that Nielsen’s is still around. According to the source I checked, it does rank streamed shows, which is terrible news for Abe and B&S.Yes, a friend had the monitor attached to the T V.........however it doesn't tell you who is watching, how many, or if the TV is on in the living room or bedroom, and no one in the room. LOL
I heard once that newer TVs had some built in chip or something, so that info as to what channel/program was on, thus the rating people who check a lot of TVs at one time, and no one knows. I should imagine now they certainly would not want to alert viewers as to how they are gathering info........invasion of privacy, etc.